Michelitsch Fractals -- This website moves! Click here to visit at its new address
Fractals by Michael Michelitsch
MM Fractals MM Fractals
MM Fractals MM Fractals
MM Fractals MM Fractals
MM Fractals MM Fractals
MM Fractals MM Fractals
MM Fractals MM Fractals
MM Fractals MM Fractals
MM Fractals MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals
MM Fractals

Extended collection of fractals by MM

MM fractals released to IBM

More MM fractals

More MM fractals

Send MM fractals as postcards

Equations and programs upon request. The fractals were created by Michael Michelitsch during 1985-95 mainly on a IBM Personal System/2, Modell 80 (with math. coprocessor) using Turbo-Basic and Turbo-Pascal programs of Albert Mürle. Feel free to download some of the programs and some papers by Michael Michelitsch, Thomas M. Michelitsch and Otto E. Rössler on fractals including on the Burning Ship fractal.


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