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Hi! Welcome to the best part in my whole site. Many of you use Napster, KazaA, Aimster, Morpheus, Mirc, and other programs to find anime music. Well, I have it all rite here. All the TWO-MIX music i can find. And the greatest part... These aren't just some cheap mp2's or Midi's(some are) they are the real thing, the whole mp3!! Not only that, but i through in a section for the Music Videos! There aren't much around, but i managed to get some.

I looked at all of the sites, and none of them have such a great, and the largest, library of songs like a do.. concider that i used about 10 web accounts to fit them all in... Enjoy!

Honor Of TWO-MIX fans An honorable and loyal Two-Mis fan... What is that? If you are a Two-Mix fan and you have the honor, you will know that Downloading these songs and Videos are only for sampling... Because it is against TWO-MIX. Please just download these for sampling, and buy the actual Albums like I did. This gives honor to TWO-MIX, because they need to make money. Please be an honorable Fan and delete these files after u listen to them. If i get a complaint about doing so, then the songs will go down...

Songs ( mp3, Midi )
Music Videos

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All these songs belong to Xion P. Lee. He did not take them form any website.

He will allow anyone to download them.

Any questions, comments, complaints: PhiKhanh@optonline.net