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I am amazed that I now have a 5th page!!! I am totally in awe!! I am very grateful that someone thought my site worthy of an award. I will treasure them always!

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I visited your site and I feel you have well earned this. And well deserve it.

Great Site! Pay Sharon Rose a visit!

You really surprised me, Sharon Rose! Thank you so much for the award and your kind words! May God Bless You!

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I was on your site and didn't know that I hadn't sent you my award for American tribute pages. And I feel you have well earned this. And well deserve it.

Thank you, Sharon Rose!!! I am honored to receive this!

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Hi there, I must say that you have done a wonderful job on your site and I thoroughly enjoyed my stay. You truly deserve
 recognition for all you have done here
. I would like to invite you to come over and visit us at the Fantasy Fights, we have a Garden team here called "Garden of Enchantment" and we are currently in need of new fighters and I feel that your site would fit in perfectly with our team.

Beautiful site! Looks like greart fun!

Thank you so very much, Knight Angel!!! I am honored that you think my site worthy of being in competition! Although I'm not able to join at this time, I  still am amazed by your award! Thank you so much!
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I would like to present you with this friendship award for all the you have taught me about building my web page. I have learned so much from you.
Not only have you spent time guiding me but also given me great support.
Thank You!

A great friend & A beautiful site!

You have left me speechless! I am honored to be a friend to you & Dan! Thank you so much! It is beautiful! You touched my heart, Barb! Hugs,
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Created March 8, 2001~Updated March 6, 2002