This all started when Betty told us about her lovely day. Here are her words.....

I have had such a lovely afternoon-- oh yes my oh my   but such a lovely
Well I get my hair done once a week on  Thursdays----- and I  do not comb it  all week either -- I mean that baby is set in cement  and a hurricane couldn't move it even!!  Well this is Monday----------------
Mac said, "Would  you please help me run a few heifers through the chute, so I can vaccinate them and get them turned out with the bulls?"---"welllll alright", I whined ---ok, dragging my  feet,   trying desperately to think of an excuse not too, but none were to be found ---------- so off we went.
Oh this shouldn't be bad ,I thought as he left the coral gate open and in they  all walked-- no problem -- separated the Holstein steer off them and ran the others down the alley way. -----  Oh yea---not bad at all. --- first ole gal  got in there and decided she hadn't had a constitution in a month of Sundays and let her rip -- splattered  from
here to there------but oh well. Well the next three were the same way  and a couple of them had to swish their tails as they did this untimely deed. I managed to jump out of the way of the manure spreading little critters each time---pretty much--some did land on my shirt and on the pole I had to handle but a  little cow poop won't hurt too bad --
it washes and is to be expected.
Then came the ole bitty ---- well that was not what I called her when she left the shoot but --------- she not only had her self one good fit but got down in the chute and bawled. Which of course drew stares from all the other ones too. She let go with a large pile that would have choked a monkey and slung her tail every which way but loose. I mean this ole gal not only covered me from head to toe-- and my nice hair do
too--- she got the needles, the clean clothes , Mac and everything else within a 20 ft radius.  She had to have been saving up for months on end. Well she "bellered" and carried on like a banshee in a wind storm, all the time still spraying and spreading her sweet smelling manure until we let her  out.Then she looked like she  just might want to
come after me. Oh----was I  ready  for her too. I grabbed a fiberglass stick and dared the ole bitty to even think about it.I told her I remembered her and next load that hit the sales barn she would just be in the load if she even thought about it. Well she backed off but she sure watched me close the rest of the  time.
Now aren't you all jealous of me? ---- yea  getting to  work with cows out in the fresh clean air? All the exercise and wonderful beauty of Mother Nature in all her glory!! Don't you want to come spend a day with me, as Mac tries to gently wipe the cow manure out of my  hair ?? :-) LOL
Oh yea just come right on !!! :-) LOL.Any ole time !!!
betty, who lives at the funny farm!! LOL :-)


Billy Bob sent the photo to Betty! :o)

OK, so now, we all felt so bad for Betty & her lovely day that we laughed ourselves silly. LOL Two of the poets on our list had light bulbs clicking in their brain, so here are their results. :o)

Betty's Doo

Once there was a lady named betty Boop,
She played with a cantankerous cow and on betty she did poop.
When all was said and done,
Her cat and dog were digging in her head for fun.
They meowed and woofed,
betty's hair had started to poof.
They LQQKed for the moo,
and only found poo.
Poor Mac tried to sleep,
But the smell was to steep.
He got out of bed,
and told betty to go wash her head ..
~Milly P~


Lovely Afternoon

There once was a grand lady named Betty,
To the salon went to get her hair ready,
They curled and they sprayed,
They brushed and they waved,
Coiffing it up nice and steady.

Then when she returned home,
Hubby Mac had ideas of his own,
"The cattle needs shots,
Betty come to the lots,
So these sweet heifers will not roam."

Betty said," I just got my hair done,
Working cows now just won't be fun!"
Mac gave her a look,
Right out of the book,
And Betty knew he had won.

They separated heifer from steer,
And Betty gave Mac quite a leer,
She drove them up the chute,
Dodging the cow poop,
As their tails sprayed manure far and near.

Now Miz Betty did quite a dance,
Away from the spray she did prance,
Old biddy heifer was last,
And she was just too fast,
Miz Betty stood there quite incensed

Betty's glasses were coated with pooh,
And also her brand new hair do.
Old Biddy did bawl,
Twas quiet a sight, y'all,
The rage within Betty just grew.

She picked up a fiberglass rod.
That silly old heifer to prod,
She yelled and she shouted,
No one there doubted,
And old biddy just thought her odd.

Now our story does not end there,
For the cat now loved Betty's hair,
The dog though it fine,
Actually devine,
But Betty did not think it fair.

Off to the shower Betty went,
Thinkin' what she had spent,
To have her hair rolled,
And that damn cow so bold,
Ruined her, Betty was so bent!

Now Betty's hair just isn't the same,
Her hair now an unruly mane,
She did shower and wash,
But oh my gosh,
She looks like one gone insane!!

Sorry, I just couldn't resist! LOL


Lately, our dear Betty
Has really had it shitty
I wonder if it makes her wish
She lived in the city?
But we're all here
To make you laugh
And help you to get through it.
In fact, I think that you could say,
We'll all just poo poo it!



Then Ali suggested that we nominate Betty for an
uncommon valor medal cause she stood her ground in the
face yeah face of the enemy.'s your special award, Betty!!! :o)



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