A beautiful Heart planted on Earth
now blooms in Heaven




If Roses grow in Heaven,
Lord, please pick a bunch for us,
Place them in our Judy's arms,
and tell her they're from us.
Tell her we love and miss her;
and when she turns to smile,
place a kiss upon her cheek
and hold her for awhile.
Remembering her is easy,
We do it every day,
but there's an ache within our hearts
that will never go away.




The Visit

As I was praying in my bed,
with thoughts & dreams planted in my head;
I felt someone draw near to me,
Tho' when I looked, no one could I see.
I closed my eyes to finish my prayer,
When a sweet voice said to me there;
"Dear Friend, I came to visit tonight,
To let you know I have finished the fight.
No longer do I suffer here,
There is no more pain, no more fear."

Then I sat up & looked around,
To not a sight nor a sound.
Yet, a sweet presence I could feel,
Tho' not tangible, it was real.
Who is this? Who could it be?
Coming in the night to me?
Then I felt the voice again;
"It is Judy, your email friend.
I couldn't leave without letting you know,
And the friends of the list I love so.
Please tell them that I am at rest,
And how my life, by them was blessed.
Now I must go to my ancestor's calls,
I am off to meet my brick walls."

Then she was gone, my tears did flow,
Sorrow and joy, I did know.
Our genealogy pal came to visit last night,
before to the stars, she took flight.
So I send her words on to you,
Just as she kindly asked me to.

~Bev Bishop~


~We all feel so blessed to have known Judy through our list. She will always be in our hearts and in our memories.~




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This page was created with much love for a very special friend.



Page Created September 22, 2002