Prayer List

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Our list decided to all meet together in our hearts on Sundays at 12:00 Noon, joining together for remember all of those who need extra blessings. Some will also do this at 12:00 Noon every day, but we would like all to join us on Sundays. Below is a list of all who have asked for prayer. Maybe it's a family member, a friend, a list member.....whoever it might be, would you ask God for blessings upon them? The Bible says:

~For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.~

Matthew 18:20 KJV

This is Our List. Let us always remember all of our friends, but the following need a little extra prayers!

James Ward (Milly's dad)
Brenda Galloway (Milly's sister)
Val (Milly's sister-in-law)
John (Dan's brother)
Paul (Barb's dad)
Sam Solomon (Ludell's great nephew)
Carl (Dee's son)
Carl, Sr. (Dee's husband)
Rebecca (Dee's granddaughter)
Kathy (Dee's former Daughter-in-law)
Mike (Dan & Barb's son)
Reco (Jackie's nephew)
LeRoy (Lorene's husband)
Dan (Barb's husband)
Michael Payne (Lori's nephew)
Miranda (Ludell's niece)
Jerri (Laura's grandmother)
Brandi (Dee's friend)
Ludell's brother
Jackie (Jackie's sister-in-law)
Nakai (Shirley's husband)
Bud's brother
Rick & Family (Carolyn's son)
Dave & Family (Carolyn's son)
Betty (Carolyn's friend)
Martine Swint (Ludell's friend)
Lanell (Dan's sister)
Jacqui McDaniel
Church of God in Cordele,Ga (Jinnye's church)

And.......Always remember our Military!

Would you like to join our list? We would love to have you! Just click on the mailbox!

If you are in need of special prayers, write me & I'll add your name to our list! Just click on my name!

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Created November 16, 2001~Updated September 8, 2004