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The Spirit World

A recent discussion on our list.

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I do believe in something. Not sure if it is ghost or what. My
Grandfather lived with us as I was growing up. He died when my first son
was 2 years old. I lived next to my parents. He had been in the hospital
for sometime. Late that night My dad come to my bedroom window and told
me he had passed on. I lay there for a while, wide awake, wishing I had
gone to the hospital that night so I could have told him goodby. Then I
don't know if I drifted off to sleep or what. I thought I was awake. But
I saw this bright light next to my bed. I looked up and there stood my
"Papa" by my bed all dressed in white with this glow around him. He
smiled down at me knotted his head and then disappeared. That was 32
years ago and I can still see him. I know it was him letting me say
goodby because I felt at peace then. I guess you guys know I have not
told this story to many people because I did not want people to think I
was crazy. I have another one to tell later. Barb

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I lived for years in an old house,( 110 years old), that was shared with
friendly spirits. They were very protective, and anyone who came by and
spent any time there were familiar with them, as they would turn the
radio and lights on and off, and it didn't matter what time of the day
it was. One night I had a group of friends come by for the evening, and
this woman showed up that I didn't know. Well, she sat herself in the
middle of my large kitchen, and began," holding court", so to speak. I
stood over by the stove, and my friend asked me how we were going to get
rid of her, as she was doing anything, and everything she could to be
the center of attention...she was just plain obnoxious. Suddenly, there
was a loud crash, as one of my cast iron pots fell from the "V" hook,
and landed in the sink. No one was near that wall, and my friend, who
was standing next to me looked at me and smiled...soon another came
crashing down. I picked them up, placed them on the counter, and
shrugged my shoulders to the inquiring glances, then went back to my
place by the stove. This woman gave me the dirtiest look, but she
continued on and on. Then, one by one, the glasses I had sitting on the
drainboard, started moving, and again there was the crashing as the
glasses slid into the sink, one at a time. This finally un-nerved the
unwanted guest. She looked at me and said," Seems like someone here is
trying to get some attention!!" and she huffed out of the house,
thinking that one of us had made the ruckus. I went over and scooped my
glasses out of the sink..no breakage, not even a chip...amazing.
Everyone looked at each other and broke out into laughter, we didn't
know how to get rid of her, but, our friendly spirit sure did. Bev

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Barb, I believe you too. I never thought I would say that but my
friend in LeFlore County bought a house that was built for a
"Bought Bride" of the Choctaw Nation. Her husband's surname
was Hill. She told me many times about Mrs. Hill refolding towels
in the linen closet and dishes in the kitchen but I never pay much
attention to Mo until - - One day I was sitting with her in her
kitchen and heard a woman laughing. I told Mo that I didn't know Margaret
was still at her house and she replied, "She isn't."  We glanced
at her two little dogs and they both had their ears "pricked" and
heads in listening position. When I told Mama she just said, "My
wheels don't turn that way." Mine didn't either until I heard Mrs.
Hill laugh. -j-

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I have been in the past and hope to be in the future, visited by people
who have passed over. My own Mother visited me once..She told me to quit
being undecided..My personality has a tendency to want to be in the
middle without taking sides on anything, or jumping from one side to the
other. Since then when I make up my mind I stick to it..unless it is
really stupid. But, I do take the time to really think about the subject
before making up my mind...And this has really helped me in my life, IT
was the very best thing she could have ever told me. I miss her
dearly...She died in 1975 of a terminal illness, and I have never seen
her since. Just the one time 2 weeks after she died. I think it was
really important to her to tell me that.
Keep believing..There are lots of us out there who do... Nelda

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No, I don't think any of you who have sensed and/or seen dead relatives are "nuts" I have experienced the same many times, mostly in my dreams when the dear ones come to "visit" me.   Sometimes  they bring a message of love, sometimes a "warning" that I have learned to heed.  The clearest one is of my dearest friend who "passed over" from a massive heart attack. I knew that it would take time for her to recover "over there" and that sooner or later she would come to me, even though we lived a few thousand miles apart.  I had had a lovely visit with her shortly before   she  died, and I felt like a part of me  died, too. About two years later I was sitting in  my living room, doing nothing, when she appeared in the chair next to me, just as beautiful as ever, and very happy.  The experience only lasted for seconds, but it made me very happy. You see, I believe that when we cross  to the other side, it is  only to another dimension; the soul doesn't die, it is only the flesh, and if we have been very ill, or in an accident, it takes a while  for the soul to recover, and get on with whatever it we have to do on "the other side". If we loved and are loved by someone, they will come back to us in time in some way. Of course  there are  the "discarnate souls" who refuse to believe   they have died, and seek  to to live by inhabiting a weaker minded living person,...this is what I believe is  the so called "Multiple Personalities".  Call me "nuts" "crazy" or what you will, but this is my belief,  and I feel I have had enough experiences to back up my beliefs.  Just another nut that has fallen too close to the tree. Evelyn

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My other story.
My first husband ( other husband as Dan calls him :)  bought an older
home in a little town Midland, AR. This was an old mining town that at
one time was very active. Now it is just a sleepy little town at that
foot of Sugar Loaf MT. Anyway the house that we bought belong to an
older lady who was having to sell and move to CA with her daughter. He
Husband had died several years before and she was alone. He had built
this house for her 1900. This first night we slept in the house I woke
up and felt as if someone was in the room. There at the foot of the bed
stood a little ole man just looking at me. You would think I would be
scared out of my wits but I wasn't. I rolled over to wake my husband up
and when I looked back he was gone. Then the next week I was going through
some old books that was left behind. In among the books was a picture.
It was him. The man at the foot of my bed. I just hung onto it then as I
become friends with one of the neighbors who had lived there all her
life. I got the picture out and showed it to her. It was the woman's
husband that had died several years before. I told her about what
happened prepared for her to think I was crazy. But to my surprise SHE
was not surprised. She visited the lady every day and she often told her
that her husband would come visit her. Strange things always happened in
that house. And I understand still do. Barb

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I might be repeating myself here, I don't know, but my SIL died in 1993
of breast cancer, instead of sending a flower arrangement, we sent a
potted confederate jasmine to the funeral service. After the service we
brought the jasmine home and my brother went and bought a trellis and he
planted the jasmine along with her ash's just outside the kitchen
window, and that jasmine grew like crazy. I would walk over to it and
talk to it while weaving the tendrils through the trellis. I say talking
to the plant, I was talking to my sister in law. But it gave me comfort
because I felt she was there and in essence she was, and still is.
Almost 7 years later that jasmine still flourishes. Judy

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Six years ago my dad and step mom bought a little stone house on the
river in Miami, OK.  There was a coupe that lived in that house until
they died. The first thing Dad and Sue did was gut the house, new
wallpaper, paint, carpet, tile....While they were doing this doors shut
unexpectedly and they got locked out, they felt something there.  Well
they finished and moved in. One Saturday, Sue was doing laundry in the
basement and felt someone watching her.  It was cold in the basement and
it gave her chills.  Dad says he saw things and felt things that he
doesn't want to tell us because he is afraid it would scare us and we
wouldn't want to visit.  I didn't sleep well when we were there the
first few times anyway.  I kept feeling like there was activity in the
house all night, even though we were all asleep.  Dad says now that
after our visit one time, he went into the basement and said "You can do
anything you want while Sue and I are in the house alone but you LEAVE
MY CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN ALONE!!"  After that, Nothing.  Sue says she still feels like someone is watching but I sleep better now.  She
thinks they were just afraid of someone destroying what they had worked
so hard and built.  Now there is a loving family there and they just
watch.  Their son is a sheriff's deputy in Miami and he says that he has
seen them in the yard when he passes buy in the evening.
Also, Sue meditates and says she has talked to my Grandma.  Too bad it's
the one who kept accurate records of her family.  I think I'll get her
meditation tapes and try to contact Thomas Benton Woodson.  Although I
hear he was a mean ole coot!!  Dayna

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I lost my mom back in 1970 but although I wouldn't consider her a ghost
I know she has been with me several times when I needed a shoulder to
cry on. Just the warmth that appears and a light caress, perhaps a
breeze but it makes me feel better. Dee

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I still get a warm fuzzy feeling at the smell of Chanel No. 5 - my mom's
perfume.  I can be a really grim mood (I know that's a big surprise to
ya'll LOL) and pass someone in the grocery store that has it on and
**POOF** my black cloud is gone........ and yes, there are time that it "drifts"
through my house, although no one I know wears it..........Jackie

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Barb, You know my "wheels don't turn that way" but after two
experiences that have no explanation I have to admit there is
something out there that we don't often see, hear, or understand.
I told you about the woman's laughter in my friend's house. There
we were two adults talking about nothing in particular while having
coffee and we both heard Mrs. Hill laugh and so did the two
little dogs that my friend had.
The other experience is almost too eerie for me to tell. I was working
in the oil patch in western Oklahoma proving title to surface and
mineral rights. The Courthouse at Clinton was so crowded that I
couldn't manage to get inside and I gave up entirely when I saw two
grown men in a real fight over a Range Book. They were punching
each other and blood was splattering when I left.  It had been a dry
summer and when I went out of the Courthouse fine sand was blowing
over the street and into my eyes. I looked to the far west and saw a
"Blue Norther" moving in. I didn't want to go back to my Motel room
so I decided I would go to the "Scenic Overlook" and see the valley
where Custer massacred Black Kettle's people and reportedly killed
his daughter, the mother was a member of Black Kettle's settlement.
I got out of the car, the sand was still blowing, not as much as it
had in town, but enough to make me doubt what my eyes told me I was
seeing. As I looked down in that valley I saw the men of the tribe
shot before they could do anything then the women and children were
running toward another smaller valley near their camp. They were all
murdered too, and I saw the US Cavalry set fires and burn all the
belongings of those few people who survived.  A few year's later I
met Paul Babby, a Sioux who had grown up on the Pine Ridge
Reservation. He told me that the tribe sent runners from Black
Kettle's camp site to the next encampment and the news reached South
Dakota before the Telegrams to Washington D.C. when I asked why
they chose to run rather than to ride a horse Babby told me that
nobody paid any attention to a running Indian but one on horseback was just
asking to be shot. While I stood there I watched the Massacre and it was so real the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I couldn't control the muscle
spasms that ran from my head to the end of my spine. I hesitated to
mention this until I met another woman who had the same encounter
with the past as I had experienced that day. -j-

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When I went to visit one year, my grandmother told me that I would never
see her again...she made me promise not to come to the funeral, or send
her flowers...she believe that flowers shouldn't lose their life for
another persons pleasure...and if I couldn't visit her when she was
alive, she sure didn't want me visiting her when she died.  She was a
strong woman and had strong beliefs.
She died that November, and I kept my promise, as did my cousins who
lived in Florida.  It was easy for me to pretend that she was still
alive and kicking, because of that.
One night I had a dream, she came walking up to me and took off her old
pea green cardigan sweater and placed it on my shoulders.  She told me
that she loved me and walked off over a hill.  I woke up crying, but
then I had a peace come over me that I cannot explain to this day.  Now
she visits me in my dreams...usually when I need help.
I am blessed.

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Page Created October 19, 2000~Updated November 14, 2000