Toby's Den

I added a lot of links! There is a new poem too! I also altered the adult pages too. Look forward to more changes soon! 6/7/02
Added some more stuff to my stories page!

Sorry about the long lull in updates, but with school and stuff I was just too busy. However now is a good time for me and I should be able to work on my site more often. Today I updated my Art and Linx page. So go ahead and check them out.
Sign my guestbook....and you can have candy.

Ok, this time I have all my short stories up and I added two of my poems. now I'll begin work on the link page. I'll continue to update this page every other day or two, adding more each time. sign my guestbook please! I'll read my book, and, if you'd like, I'll post a link to your site! Thanx for coming!

I've gotten all my short stories up, now only the poetry is left. A lot of poetry.....
I also got a guestbook and counter! The link and art pages aren't up yet. Once I get most of my poetry up I'll attend to that.

Sign my guestbook!

Furs have read this page!
