This is an unofficial site about the rap/rock band DC Talk. So, are you here 'cause you love DC Talk? Great! If not, then stick around and find out about a great band! There's info, graphics, and links to other great sites.

The Group! - Toby! - Michael! - Kevin! - The Music - Others!

DC Talk stands for "Decent Christian Talk." It is made up of three members: Toby Mac, Michael Tait and Kevin Max. However, there haven't always been three members. When the group first started...

FIND OUT MORE! Click the pic-->

<-- Click on Toby to for info and pics.

<-- Click here to read about Michael and his band. PICS!

<-- Click on Kevin to learn a little about him and see some pics.

This page was designed by Kevin Reed (except for most of the graphics). Click to see a list of the online resources I used. These would be some great sites to find out even more about DC Talk. If you have any questions, comments, corrections, etc., please feel free to