The site for self-knowledge
Welcome to embodywisdom.com, the Internet site that supplies information on embodied living.

What is embodied living? How do we embody wisdom? What inner and outer resources can we utilize to improve our day-to-day life in the world? These and many other questions will be addressed at this site. Like the Internet itself, and all of Life for that matter, this website is a work progress.

Embodywisdom.com is designed to help you on your personal journey towards embodying your own wisdom.
This site is administered by Tobias Bodine. Tobias is a bodywork practitioner and student of embodied learning. Born and raised in California, Tobias is a student teacher of Feldenkrais Method
(TM) Awareness Through Movement lessons.

To find out more about embodying your own wisdom, experiencing the Feldenkrais Method, or enjoying your stay here on Earth, browse the embodywisdom.com site.

And remember that old saying: "Breathe early and breathe often!"
embodywisdom.com Links
Tobias at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
Feldenkrais Method: What is it?
Zen and the Art of Embodiment
Contact embodywisdom.com