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Blat DLL
blat.dll has one function, Send which takes a null terminated string which is the blat command line. The return is the value of the Return Code returned by Blat. See Blat Error Return Codes
Blat Error Return Codes
Known Issues / Things to be aware of:
Blat.dll works exactly like blat.exe. One difference is that when using blat.exe, the command interpreter (DOS box) removes extra spaces from the command line. When constructing the command line string to pass to the Blat.dll's Send function, be careful to construct the command line without any extra spaces.
Do not include a trailing space in the Subject: -s "this is a bad thing to do "
This will cause the send to fail.
Nothing to report. Most recent Blat DLL is based on 1.9.4
VB Declare Statement:
Declare Function SendBlat Lib "blat.dll" Alias "Send" (ByVal sCmd As String) As Integer
Visual Foxpro 6 Example including Declare Statement (Compliments of Tim Charron):
DECLARE INTEGER Send in &dll_name STRING blatstring
teststring="blatdll.prg -t -s 'test' -base64 -attach blat.dll"
? result
New C++ Code example provided by Leith Tussing
Blat DLL based on Version 1.9.4 of Blat
CPP, DEF, RC files added to Blat project to create the DLL.
Blat 1.8.4e release with updates by me. Most notably, a Priority option (low, high, normal) - Note: this is left up here just as an example of how to integrate the DLL elements into the blat project.
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