NOOOOOOO!!! wait, what?
u mean like a lemon?
i have no life
I suck
I'M NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!(this one is dedicated to ray, i dunno y either!)
This is like the worst ever. Wow, this like totaly is fucking painful. The blood is like everywhere. omigod!
foamy your lord and master.
in fact...

I will kill you all
nothing u can do about it
i will kill u all
nothing u can do about it
squirrely wrath
squirrely wrath
squirrely wrath
you're all gonna die
you're all gonna die
squirrely wrath
squirrely wrath

i'm the lord and master
u all r bastards
worship me
or i'll stab ur eyes till u bleed
i'm the lord and master

so i'm a squirrel
and you're not
how pathetic u r
so i'm a squirrel
and you're not
ur just human
how pathetic u r
you don't have a fluffy tail
you don't have squirrely wrath
you just build to destroy
while i collect some nuts
you all

-very good. do u like the ice cream?
-your mom
-ice ice baby
-michael jackson!
-Ozzy Osbourne

lunar phases

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