Dylan Quotes
Dylan has some wise words for a bunny, and here are a great deal of them, lovingly collected. Enjoy them, my friends, enjoy! For CGI quotes and others on Dylan, click the links.
CGI movie
Others on Dylan
Old Stock-Motion Show and Dougal and the Blue Cat
"Steady, man, steady" - The first words Dylan uttered on the show, while Dougal is pulling leaves.

"Name's Dylan, man, I'm a rabbit"
Dougal: "You could have fooled me"

"Dougal? Isn't that that crazy dog with the, like, way out fur?"

Dougal: "Aren't rabbits supposed to be bouncy?"
Dylan: "I'm starting a new trend"
Dougal: ".....Oh, I see"
Dylan: "We're rethinking the image"

"Work, man? You want to give me bad dreams?"

"No work, no beans. Story of my life, man, story of my life"

"He'll never understand Rabbits" -
On Dougal

"I abhor a dirty lettuce"

Zebedee: "They all expect you to be up and about and doing things. And running around..and behaving like a rabbit"
Dylan: "But I'm a rabbit who SLEEPS. I'm not the hopping kind"

"If it's dark, it must be night, and if it's night, I should be sleeping"

"I give you music, friends. Will you not give me help?"

"Greetings, Mortals. See what I have here? Mushrooms, a great delicacy"

"Finders is, like, keepers"

"Sir, you really must keep still or all my efforts are ruined"

"Ruined! Ruined! Ruined! Like.....err..ruined!! Err..pardon me!!"

"I'm overcome, like, overwelmed, like, shattered, even"

"Luckily, when I'm asleep, I dream I'm playing, it's exhausting"

"Like...where am I going? Is it true what they say? Do I sleep too much?"

"I'm begining to think a person shouldn't try to change his natural way of life. And with me, sleeping is in, and exercise is out, out, out"

"Oh, spare me! Can I help it if I'm naturally, like, lazy?"

"Criticism I dig. But this is abuse"

"I'm not sure that dog can stand the starin. He's, like, neurotic and you may crack him up" -
On Dougal

"See what I have here? It's a game of skill"

Dougal and the Blue Cat (1st movie)

"I'm watching these crazy mushrooms grow. It's, like, very tiring. It's, like, exhausting"

"It had to happen, man"
- On Dougal going dotty

"Peace, men, peace"

"Could I trouble you men to, like, not rattle your chains so much? I'd like to get a little sleep here"

The Lullaby Dylan sings to Buxton:

In this life, little cat
There are few pleasures that
Give the same lift
Have the same gift
As getting into a big soft bed
(Forgive me, man, if I just say,  I would rather it me than you in the hay)
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