Endorphin Bath & Todd E. Jones presents....

Close Lobsters
(Frequently Asked Questions)

Who Are Close Lobsters?
Close Lobsters are an 80’s band from Glasgow, Scotland. They were first apart of the C86 scene. The band features singer Andrew Burnett, guitarists Graeme Wilmington and Tom Donnelly, and the rhythm section of Bob Burnett and Stewart McFayden.

What label were they signed to?
Fire Records in the UK. Enigma in the US.

What are the names of their albums?
Their first album was called “Foxheads Stalk This Land”. Their 2nd was a mini-LP called “What Is There To Smile About?”. Their 3rd and final LP is called “Headache Rhetoric

I cannot find any Close Lobsters CDs! Why?
They are out of print but Fire Records just re-released “Foxheads Stalk This Land”.

Will all the Close Lobsters albums ever be re-released?
“Foxheads” was re-released but there is no definite word yet. It is a possibility.

I heard that there was a Close Lobsters double album or 2-albums on 1 CD. Is that true?
Yes and no. "Foxheads Stalk This Land" and "Headache Rhetoric" was once re-released with both albums on the same CD. It is very rare.

Where can I but the out of print Close Lobsters CDs?
I suggest Ebay.com and other Internet stores. Also, if you live near a very good record store, go there. Always comb through the used Cds too. I have found all of the Close Lobsters CDs in the used bins.

Why did Close Lobsters break up?
Creative differences, lack of money and sales. In an interview with Andrew Burnett, he said, "Fatigue. Failure to make the big effort and stay in USA. Strategy."

Will Close Lobsters ever get back together?
Andrew Burnett and the others say that is it very unlikely.

What are the Close Lobsters doing now?
Andrew Burnett got his PhD and is teaching. Stuart McFayden and Bob Burnett are both fathers. We are not sure what the others are up to.

Who produced Close Lobsters?
John A. Rivers and Phil Vinall

Who is Howard Turner?
He was the engineer for Headache Rhetoric. He wrote me a letter about what it was like recording the album.

Did Close Lobsters make any videos?
Yes. There are videos for “Let’s Make Some Plans”, “Nature Thing” and one for “Smile.”

Who is the woman playing bass in the “Nature Thing” video?
Mags. She was a replacement.

In the credits for "Headache Rhetoric", there is something listed as "Warpin'". What is that?
Andrew Burnett explains it here.... "Warpin'"

Did Close Lobsters cover any songs by other bands or artists?
Yes. They did “Paper Thin Hotel” by Leonard Cohen and “Hey Hey (My, My)” by Neil Young. Also, they did Soft Cell's "Say Hello, Wave Goodbye" for a radio session, and "Mirror Breaks" by The Mob for a Peel Session. "Wide Waterways" (a b-side from the "Never Seen Before" single) is a cover version of The Onlyn Ones song.

Did any other bands cover songs by Close Lobsters?
As far as we know, The Wedding Present did a cover of “Let’s Make Some Plans”. Also, I am orchestrating a Close Lobsters Tribute album.

What is the Close Lobsters Tribute Album?
It is a compilation of Close Lobsters cover songs from bands all over the web. Check out The Close Lobsters Tribute Album section for more info.

In “Let’s Make Some Plans”, Andrew sings “12 Million good reasons against – The mountain, the light bulb, and the lake”. What does that mean?
Read Part II of the Andrew Burnett interview.

What does the name Close Lobsters mean?
Supposedly, they were going to call themselves The Close or The Lobsters. Therefore, they put both of them together.

What is C86?
"C86 is a term used to describe Britain's mid-Eighties indie-pop climate when haircuts were round, major labels taboo and anoraks obligatory. The actual term hails from the title of a series of free NME compilation tapes documenting the mood of Britain's indie scene at the time. Featured were early incarnations of The Wedding Present, The Pastels, and Primal Scream (when they had Sixties bowl-cuts and thought they were the Byrds). C86 was a subculture and a fanzine culture (Kvatch, Sha-la-la and Are You Scared To Get Happy?). It spoke to alienated teenagers bored with mainstream culture and hooked on DIY lo-fi sensibilities, an almost asexual child-like affectation, Sixties pop and girl groups, seven-inch singles, bedsit socialism and a romantic, pastoral, holding-hands vision of England. " – Muse website (www.muse.ie )

In "Let's Make Some Plans", what does he mean when he says, "The mountain, the lightbulb and the lake"?
"The European Union famously developed surplus butter ‘mountains’ and wine ‘lakes’ through its Common Agricultural Policy. The lightbulb refers to planned obsolescence in general. 12 million was the estimated amount of folks (children ?) living below the poverty line in the UK in the late 1980s.  Progress eh ?" - Andrew Burntettl

How is this website “official”?
It is official because Andrew Burnett and some of the others have input in making the site. Also, they say it is the official site.

What is the song “Nature Thing” about?
Andrew Burnett says that it is about “The nature of things.”

Have the members of Close Lobsters been in any other bands or are they in any bands now?
No one really knows for sure.

Sometimes, when I visit the site, it is “temporarily down”. Why? What do I do?
Due to many people visiting the site, the data transfer is high and it has to shut down for 15 minutes. Just wait 15-20 minutes and then, go back to the site.

Who are some of the bands that Close Lobsters toured with?
Stump, That Petrol Emotion, June Brides, The Chesterfields, Bob Mould, Camper Van Beethoven, The Brilliant Corners, Life Without Drums, The Playroom, The Church Grimms, The Muldoons, Dirty Dollar, The Primevals, Barky Barky.

How can I contact Andrew Burnett of the others in the band?
Well, I promised that I would never give out any of their contact info. If you have an important question, please email me at toddejones@yahoo.com and I will forward your email to him. Also, if you have any pictures, articles, links or Mp3’s that could be added to the site, email me!

The Official CLOSE LOBSTERS Home Page

Part ONE - An Interview With A Lobster: ANDREW BUURNETT
Part TWO -  An Interview With A Lobster: ANDDREW BURNETT
 CLOSE LOBSTERS Picture Gallery
Close Lobsters: Press & Reviews
Close Lobsters:  Reviews of Live Shows
The CLOSE LOBSTERS Group on Yahoo!
The Close Lobsters Tribute Album
Links about & for CLOSE LOBSTERS


Endorphin Bath