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![]() | Another method of measuring video carriers with an Icom R-8500 or similar HF/VHF synthesised receiver By Todd Emslie |
TV DXers are often able to identify weak video carriers by using precision frequency measurement (PFM). This article describes one of several methods which can be used for measuring TV video carrier frequencies. Having said that, there are limitations in this measuring method. For example, it is only suitable for VHF AM/FM/SSB receivers covering both HF and VHF. Also, if your receiver suffers from poor frequency stability, the following method will give false measurements.
The following method of measuring carrier TV frequencies is suited to TV DXers who do not have access to a reliable accurate frequency reference. The method assumes that the DXer has to rely on the 5, 10, and 15 MHz WWV time and reference HF signals.
Measurement method, using a digital audio frequency meter
Note: Before proceeding with the following method, you need to measure the audio frequency on your Icom R8500 for WWV on 4.999 MHz, 10.999 MHz, and 14.999 MHz USB. You can measure theses carriers by using a FFT type spectrum analyser (Spectrum Lab, etc), or a standard DFM (digital frequency meter).
Ideally, WWV 14.999 MHz USB would correspond to an exact 1,000 Hz tone. However, in the real world, different radios will provide different beat tones when tuned to 14.999 MHz USB. For example, while my IC-R8500 provides a 1012 Hz beat tone at 14.999 MHz USB, another radio I own provides a 1060 Hz tone at 14.999 MHz USB.
When tuned to WWV, if your receiver shows 800 Hz with the receiver dial on 14.999 MHz, it means that the receiver is 200 Hz high, while an audio frequency of 1200 Hz means that the receiver is 200 Hz low. Then apportion the error to the frequency being measured, i.e., in the case of chE2 TV, 48.25/15 MHz x frequency error.
By measuring WWV 4.999, 10.999, and 14.999 MHz USB, you can determine the incremental slope frequency error from 4.999-14.999 MHz. You can then extrapolate the slope error for band I TV carriers above 45 MHz.
Let's assume a particular receiver has an incremental slope error of +4.5 Hz per MHz, a table could be compiled similar to the one below:
RF carrier USB Frequency offset Frequency:
14.9990 MHz WWV 1055 Hz.
Because your receiver will have its own audio beat tone for WWV 14.999 MHz USB, you have to make up your own table. You then have to calculate the frequency slope error by comparing the data points for WWV 4.999, 9.999, and 14.999 MHz. Using WWV 15 MHz as a reference, actual example
1. 14.999 MHz WWV USB reading = 1015 Hz.
2. In USB, tune the DX TV RF carrier until you obtain a similar reading to
1015 Hz.
3. Take note of the RF TV carrier: 46.23908 MHz = 1019 Hz USB.
4. If the tuning steps in the receiver did not enable an exact 1015 Hz
reading, subtract or add the difference.
For example, the RF TV carrier was too low: 46.23908 MHz (1019 Hz). In this
case, we need to add 4 Hz to the carrier: 46.23908 + .000004 = 46.239084 MHz.
If the RF TV carrier is too high, for example, 46.23908 (1010 Hz), we need
to subtract 4 Hz from the TV carrier:
46.23908 - .000004 = 46.239076 MHz.
5. Apply the simple formula: WWV error x ( RF TV carrier / WWV RF carrier )
or: 15 Hz x (46.239084 / 15) = 46.239084 Hz (rounded figure = 46 Hz).
6. Subtract 46 Hz - 15 Hz = 31 Hz. This is the correction factor in Hz for
the TV RF carrier.
7. Add 1 KHz to the RF TV carrier: 46.239084 MHz + .001 MHz = 46.240084 MHz.
8. Deduct the 31 Hz correction factor: 46.240084 MHz - .000031 = 46.240053
9. The TV DX RF carrier = 46.240053 MHz.
1. Measure the USB audio frequency of 14.9990 MHz WWV. Method 2 (no digital frequency meter required)
1. Select a memory preset or priority channel for WWV on 14.9990 MHz USB. Practical example 1
ABMN0 channel 0 Wagga is received.
Note: These audio measurements are all based on a 12 Hz reading for 14.999 MHz USB. The ratio table is used when the audio frequency for WWV on 14.999 USB varies. For example, if WWV 14.999 reads 13 Hz, and we are measuring a DXTV carrier on approximately 45.25 MHz, multiply 3.058 X 13 = 39.75 Hz.
Practical example 2
chE2 Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand is received via TEP.
I have measured the frequency offset errors versus actual frequencies on my Icom IC R8500 receiver, using a 15625 Hz TV-derived reference unit, and digital frequency meter (see table below). The initial frequency error at 15 MHz increases by about 0.8 Hz per 1 MHz increase in frequency.
Table of frequency measurements
45.2490 MHz NZch1 1194 Hz.
46.2390 MHz Auch0 1196 Hz.
48.2490 MHz chE2 1205 Hz.
49.7490 MHz chC1 1211 Hz.
55.2490 MHz chA2 / E3 1236 Hz.
57.2499 MHz chAu1 1245 Hz.
57.7490 MHz chC2 1247 Hz.
59.2490 MHz chR2 1254 Hz.
61.2490 MHz chA3 1263 Hz.
62.2490 MHz chE4 1268 Hz.
64.2490 MHz chAu2 1277 Hz.
65.7490 MHz chC3 1283 Hz.
67.2490 MHz chA4 1290 Hz.
2. Tune the DX TV RF video carrier, approximately 1 KHz below the '0' beat frequency in USB, and measure the audio frequency.
3. Take note of the RF frequency displayed on the R-8500, and add the apparent audio frequency.
4. Then look at the offset reference list, and subtract the actual offset in Hz.
Example: ABMN0 video is received via TEP.
1. Select a memory pre-set, or priority channel for WWV on 14.9990 MHz USB, and measure the audio frequency.
2. Then tune the ch0 video carrier using USB and 10 Hz steps, to approximately 1 KHz (46.2390 MHz) below the video carrier, and measure the audio frequency (1080 Hz).
3. Take note of the RF frequency (46.2390 MHz) displayed on the R-8500, and then add the audio frequency (1080 Hz). 46.2390 MHz + 1080 Hz = 46.240080 MHz.
4. Then look at your offset reference list, and subtract 26 Hz (46.24008 - 26 = 46.240054 MHz.
5. You should arrive at a figure between 46.240050 MHz and 46.240060 MHz. This represents accuracy within +/- 5 Hz.
2. Then very carefully tune the DXTV video carrier, using USB and 10 Hz steps, until you obtain a similar audio pitch to 14.9990 WWV.
3. Take note of the RF frequency displayed on the R-8500, and add 1 KHz.
4. Then look at the offset reference list, and subtract the actual Hz offset.
1. Select a memory preset or priority channel for WWV on 14.999 MHz USB.
2. By carefully tuning the ABMN0 carrier until I obtained a similar audio pitch to 14.999 MHz USB WWV.
3. I took note of the RF frequency of ABMN0 (46.239080 MHz). I then added 1 KHz from this measurement (46.239080 MHz + 1000 KHz = 46.240080 MHz).
4. I then subtracted the 25 Hz offset (see table below).
5. 46.240080 MHz - .000025 = 46.240055 MHz.
6. We have measured the 46.240055 MHz video carrier of ABMN0.
It is advisable to install the Icom CR-293 high stability crystal unit. This will minimize the frequency drift at 15 MHz to ~ +/- 2Hz (+/- 6Hz @ 48 MHz). If your IC R-8500 is not fitted with this crystal, you will need to leave the radio on for at least ~ 15 minutes before taking frequency measurements.
1. Select a memory pre-set or priority channel for WWV on 14.9990 MHz USB.
2. Then carefully tune the chE2 signal using USB and 10 Hz steps until you obtain a similar audio pitch to WWV.
3. Take note of the RF frequency displayed on the R-8500, and then add 1 KHz.
4. Then look at your offset reference list, and subtract 26 Hz.
5. You should arrive at a figure between 48.23958 and 48.23960 MHz.
The above method will give a slightly more accurate measurement if a digital
frequency meter is used.
I have found it convenient to place 14.9990 MHz USB in the IC-R8500's priority memory channel. I then use this as a instant comparison.
Since installing the Icom CR-293 high stability crystal (+/- 0.5 ppm at 0-60 C), the audio reading on 14.9990 USB, has varied between 11-13 Hz (12 HZ +/- 1 Hz. This translates to 38.3 Hz +/- 3.2 Hz at 48 MHz.
RF carrier USB
Apparent audio
Actual offset
. 14.9990 MHz WWV
1012 Hz
0 Hz
. 45.2490 MHz NZch1
1036.7 Hz
24.7 Hz
. 46.2490 MHz Auch0
1037.5 Hz
25.5 Hz
. 48.2490 MHz chE2
1038.3 Hz
26.3 Hz
. 49.7490 MHz chC1
1040.3 Hz
28.3 Hz
. 55.2490 MHz chA2 / E3
1044.8 Hz
32.8 Hz
. 57.2499 MHz chAu1
1046.4 Hz
34.4 Hz
. 57.7490 MHz chC2
1046.9 Hz
34.9 Hz
. 59.2490 MHz chR2
1048.0 Hz
36.0 Hz
. 61.2490 MHz chA3
1049.6 Hz
37.6 Hz
. 62.2490 MHz chE4
1050.4 Hz
38.4 Hz
. 64.2490 MHz chAu2
1052.1 Hz
40.1 Hz
. 65.7490 MHz chC3
1053.4 Hz
41.4 Hz
. 67.2490 MHz chA4
1054.5 Hz
42.5 Hz
. 77.2490 MHz chA5 / C4
1062.7 Hz
50.7 Hz
. 83.2490 MHz chA6
1067.6 Hz
55.6 Hz
. 85.2490 MHz chC5
1069.2 Hz
57.2 Hz
. 86.2490 MHz chAu3
1070.0 Hz
58.0 Hz
. 87.2690 MHz chAu3
1070.9 Hz
58.9 Hz
. 91.2490 MHz chJ1
1074.1 Hz
62.1 Hz
. 93.2490 MHz chC6
1075.7 Hz
63.7 Hz
. 95.2490 MHz chAu4
1077.4 Hz
65.4 Hz
. 97.2490 MHz chJ2
1079.0 Hz
67.0 Hz
. 102.2490 MHz chAu5
1083.0 Hz
71.0 Hz
. 103.2490 MHz chJ3
1083.9 Hz
71.9 Hz
Accurate Measurement of AM/SSB and TV Carrier Frequencies. Ian Roberts, ZS6BTE.
Summary article for measuring TV DX video carriers. Todd Emslie.
DIGIPAN software
for accurate measurements of TV DX video frequencies.
Precision frequency measurement of DX TV carriers. Kunihiko NAKANO, JE7IDA (Japan).