Anthony (Tony) Mann's TV DX Page. F2, TEP, Sporadic E, and tropo DX at Perth, Australia since 1971.
Todd Emslie's TV FM DX Page. F2, TEP, Sporadic E, and tropo DX at Sydney, Australia since 1975.
Robert Copeman's 30 years of TV DX page (1971-2001).
ICDX Australia (International Correspondence DX Group).
ICDX Australian/Pacific TV FM DX Yahoo discussion group.
Darwin 2001 VHF DXpedition. Tony Mann and Todd Emslie.
ICDX ozvintage Australian archive test cards and TV history.
ICDX members exotic TV-FM DX log reports (Oct 2000-April 2001).
Norman Burton's 1956 BBC chB1 F2 TV DX at Sydney, Australia.
George Palmer's TV DX page. Surfers Paradise, Queensland (1970's).
George Peterson's TEP and Es TV DX at Townsville, and Ayr, Queensland, Australia in 1963.
Australian TV and FM DX distance records.
Wenlock Burton's 20 years of TV DX.


VK2SIX ex-VK2QF 6 metre DX website.
Steve Gregory (VK3OT) 50 MHz propagation page.
30-60 MHz propagation indicators compiled by VK3OT.
VK4CP's 6 metre DX web site.


NZ Radio DX League.


Mituhiro Hukunaga's TV-FM DX Forum. (English).
West Tokyo TV-FM DX. (Japanese and English).
Kazunori Watanabe's TV-FM DX page. (Japanese and English).
Kunihiko Nakano's VHF DX main page. (Japanese and English).
J3LEB VHF DX page. 45-52 MHz TV and 6 metre DX.
JR2HCB VHF DX page. 45-52 MHz TV and 6 metre DX.
Overseas TV DX photos received in Tokyo, Japan.
History of VHF DX in Japan by JA1RJU, Kazuo Ogasawara.
BCL DX AM/FM DX page (Japanese).
Altavista Bablefish language translation service. Copy and paste the relevant URL address into Bablefish. Japanese, Korean, or Chinese DX pages can be translated into English.
Japanese TV and FM DX bulletin board.
JA 50 MHx DX cluster.


Mike Bugaj's WTFDA TV-FM DX page.
Mike's Mailroom DX links page. Resource articles and world-wide links.
FMDX WEB links page. WTFDA DXer's personal web pages.
DXFM.COM. Lexington, Kentucky, TV FM SX site featuring a permanent TV DX web cam tuned to U.S. chA2.
K1SIX 50 MHz DX page. Transatlantic Sporadic-E and F2 data.
Tom Rothlisberger, K7WV DX home page.
N6CA 50 MHz page. Transatlantic Sporadic-E and F2.
50 MHz propagation logger. Bulletin board for 6 metre and low band VHF TV DX reports.
Robert B Cooper 1956 DX TV article. PAGE 1 and PAGE 2.
The World Wide TV and FM DX Association (WTFDA).
Pat Dyer's 1978-80 BBC chB1 F2 DX TV photos.
Pat Dyer's VHF propagation web page.
Introduction to the basics of TV and FM DX - George Sherman.
Fernando Garcia's Monterrey, New Mexico, long haul tropospheric TV/FM DX.
Danny Oglethorpe's TV DX page. Mexican and USA chA2-A6 Es TV DX.
Doug Smith's USA TV database.
Bruce Carter's AM FM TV DX page.
Jeff Kadet's TV DX web site. Archive 1950s-1970s USA TV program guides, DX and aerial photos.


Paul Farley U.K. DX TV page. Low band VHF DX TV.
Ian Roberts' ZS6BTE home page. VHF-SHF DX from 45-12700 MHz!
The DX forum. Moderated by U.K. TV DX TVRO pioneer Stephen Birkill, G8AKQ.
TV FM DX in Brazil. George. S Martins.
David Hamilton's TV FM DX page. Scotland.
Radio-Portal. DX link database.
Faiallo DX. Italian AM/FM/TV DX.
DMOZ Open Directory Project. Amateur radio/DXing/VHF links.
DMOZ Open Directory Project. DXing/Sortwave links.
VHF TV in Indonesia (includes several designs for DX-TV antennas.
Radio and Television Transmitter site Dennis Hepke (Netherlands).
The British TV-FM Circle.
HS publications BBC test card and DX TV club.
BV2DP's DX-TV page from Taipei, Taiwan.
Low VHF and FM - DX pages From Paul Logan, MI3LDO, Lisnaskea, Northern Ireland.
Arnie Coro's DX page. Shortwave radio, science, technology and environment reports from Havana, Cuba.
Humberto Molina's El Salvadore TV FM DX page.
Kocsis Ferenc's Hungary TV-DX page.
Hungary TV-DX club.
Mark Hattam's U.K. AM/FM radio DX site.
The UKWTV German TV FM DX Club.
William F. Kitching, G4FBZ, DX-TV U.K. page.
Adrian Knott, G6KSN, U.K. home page
John Märsylä's Netherlands TV FM DX page.
Online VHF-DX ham operator database.


Google "TV DX" search.
Google "FM DX" search.
Google TV DX search.
Google VHF DX search.


How to Greatly Increase Your Receiver's Selectivity. Mike Bugaj.
10.7 MHz IF Filter Modifications for increased receiver selectivity. AMFMDX web site.
Better Selectivity and Sensitivity From Virtually any FM Radio. Bruce Carter.
Murata 80, 110, and 150 KHz ceramic filters. Barend Hendriksen HF Electronics. - Murata 80 and 110 KHz filters.
Murata USA. 10.7 MHz IF ceramic filters for FM tuners.
Murata USA.


HS Publications 2003 TV FM DX equipment catalogue. Includes D100 DX-TV tuner. MS word document.
HS Publications 2001 TV FM DX equipment catalogue. Includes D100 DX-TV tuner. PDF document.
TV upconvertor project by Jason Reilly. How to receive watch TV-DX using a Icom R7000 or AR5000 scanner. (PDF file).
AR5000 a multiple talent. AR5000 upconvertor project on how to watch DX TV using a AOR AR5000. Klaud Wings, DL9KAS.
New DX TV tuner project. Steve Andrew.
New DX TV tuner block diagram (PDF). Steve Andrew.
Utah ATV - IF Bandpass filtering on AM TV signals. Clint Turner, KA7OEI.
A Narrowband ("DX") TV I.F. filter for the Icom R-7000 receiver. Clint Turner, KA7OEI.
Reduced IF Bandwidth filtering of DX TV video signals.
Utah ATV home page. Clint Turner, KA7OEI.


VHF/UHF Scanners and receivers for DX TV monitoring. Todd Emslie.
Receiver specifications and test reports by Robert Sherwood. Includes reports for the IC R8500, AOR AR500, AOR 7030, and IC R9000.
Yupiteru MVT-7100 for monitoring TV DX. Todd Emslie.
Icom IC-PCR1000, WinRadio WR1500 & AOR AR-5000 receiver comparison test report. Tim McVey.

TV DX PC tuners

PC Cards for DX TV. Jurgen Bartels.
Hauppauge WinTV-USB2 PC tuner.
Pinnacle Rave PCTV card. Internal PC tuner featuring no weak signal mute.
Descaler 4. Digital post-processing software for noise reduction and filtering weak TV signals.
Pinnacle home page.
Hauppauge home page.
Pinnacle Rave PCTV tuner review.
Hauppauge WinTV USB PCTV review.
David Hamilton's PCTV DX screen captures.
Vesa Hienonen's PCTV DX screen captures.


How to record TV DX video and sound on to a VCR. Todd Emslie.
Frequently asked questions about long distance television (TV-DX) reception.
Tunable band1 40-70 MHz notch filter. Help remove adjacent channel interference to DX TV signals.
Tunable narrow band audio bandpass filter for monitoring TV video carriers. Tony Mann and Todd Emslie.
Tunable BF981 MOSFET pre amplifier article. Todd Emslie.
Using the BF981 in two meter preamps. By Gordon McDonald, VK2ZAB.
Antenna phase cancellation of unwanted local FM and TV signals. Andy Bolin.
Receive DX over local and semi-local stations by using phase cancellation. Todd Emslie.
How VHF DXers can minimize RF noise. A practical approach.
Recommended quality VHF/UHF equipment for TV and FM DX. Todd Emslie.


Antenna Performance APS-14 FM antenna review.
A review of Band 1 aerial designs for DX TV.
Practical approaches for fringe or FM DX reception. Bruce Carter.
Simple 48-70 MHz antennas for DX-TV from Roger Bunney's DXTV column.
Wide band 48-70 MHz yagi aerials for DX-TV. Roger Bunney.
FM Antenna review of the Channel Master 3308 stereo probe 9 Chris Fagas, WB2VVV.
CLP5130-1, 21 elements, Log-periodic array, 50-1300MHz. As used by Japanese TV and FM DXers.
Review of USA wideband VHF TV DX antennas. 1982 article by Bill Thompson.
TV Reception Tutorials. Antennas, installation, rotators, masthead amplifiers, etc.
A Guide to UHF TV Reception. Antennas, installation, rotators, masthead amplifiers, etc.
U.K. and R.O.I. Television Reception. UHF TV reception techniques.
High gain FM aerials avaiable from Stark Electronics.
Rhombic Antennas for DX TV.
The high gain FM DX arrays of Kelly Lindman, Skurup, Sweden. Nine stacked 8-element Triax FM yagis on a high tower. Four stacked Peter Lund design 17-el 88-108 MHz yagis.


Matchmaster Communications.
Electrocraft Australia.
Hills TV Antennas.
Hills VHF TV Antenna catalogue (PDF).
Hills UHF TV Antenna catalogue (PDF).


Premium TV FM DX antennas and tuners.
How to select a tuner for 88-108 MHz FM DX. Todd Emslie.
Your Guide to FM Tuners with DX Potential. USA web site.
FM tuner information center. Information on quality tuners for FM DX.
Specifications for McIntosh FM tuners: MR-78 and MR-80. The best pre-1981 FM DX tuners.
Sony ST-SA5ES FM tuner review. Todd Emslie.
Satellite 700 review.
FM tuner specifications explained.
ONKYO T9090 II FM Tuner review. Todd Emslie.
Home audio FM tuner reviews.
Sangean ATS909 modifications. Neil Clark.


Great circle distance calculator. Andrew Gray
Getty Institute information reference. Type in the QTH to find out the longitude and latitude coordinates.


Bill Hepburn Indian Ocean / Australia tropospheric forecast maps.
Bill Hepburn Australia / NZ tropospheric forecast maps.
The Solar Terrestrial Activity Report.
STD: Space weather, Solar and geophysical support services. - Amateur Radio Propagation Studies. Volker Grassmann, DF5AI.
High Band (137-225 MHz) Sporadic E TV/VHF DX. Todd Emslie.
Overseas 88-108 MHz FM broadcast Es and TEP DX received in Australia. Todd Emslie.
Band 3 meteor scatter TV DX Todd Emslie.
Overseas F2 TV DX. Robert Copeman.
The art of TV and FM DX radio reception. Robert Copeman.
OH5IY's VHF/UHF DX web site.
Meteor Scatter observations with a VHF Radio & Computer. Ilkka Yrjölä, OH5IY.
VHF DX Propagation modes. Ilkka Yrjölä, OH5IY.
Meteor Scatter DX with a VHF Radio.
US Meteor Research. Advice on minimizing noise from PCs, and weak signal operation.
Roger Harrison 2007 afternoon TEP article.
Roger Harrison 2007 evening TEP article.
TV Times article on George Peterson's TEP and Es TV-DX at Townsville, Australia in 1963.
1938 film of 45 MHz channel B1 video, BBC, Alexandra Palace, England received at the RCA research station in New York, USA.
A seven year study of sporadic E propagation. By Pat Dyer (1972).
IPS Australia TEP article.
How to minimize fading on DX signals.
Rattling Old Bones about Sporadic E. Bill Stirling, GM4DGT.
28-60 Mhz VHF DX early warning list.
List of 47-49 MHz Chilean music FM tx's.
List of 47-49 MHz Chilean music FM tx's. Official list.
G3USF's Worldwide List of 50MHz Beacons.
List of meteor data transmitting systems. Compiled by VK3OT.
VHF F2 DX log.TEP DX received by Anthony Mann while on holiday at Broom, Western Australia.
DXpedition to Tarawa as T30JH. Jack Hayden's VHFDXpedition to Micronesia.
TV-FM DX via long haul sporadic E received by Todd Emslie (Sydney).
VHF DXing in Thailand. 1970 article by Glenn Hauser.
TV-DX propagation. Glenn Hauser.
Various TV-DX pictures received in Holland via F2 propagation.
Modes of Tropospheric DX. William Hepburn.
DK5YA VHF DX page. EME, F2, TEP, FAI, and sporadic E.
UKSMG VHF DX links and articles page.
UKSMG VHF/UHF archive articles.
Modes of 6 metre propagation
Modes of Ground gain and radiation angle at VHF.
50 MHz propagation modes overview - G3ZYY.
Working DX on a Dead 50MHz Band Using Meteor Scatter .
Troposcatter at 50 MHz - 700 km QSO's any time.
Ionoscatter on 50 and 144 MHz by Palle Preben-Hansen, OZ1RH.
Palle Preben-Hansen, OZ1RH home page.
Ground gain and radiation angle at VHF by Palle Preben-Hansen, OZ1RH.
SESCAT - mid latitude ionosperic E region backscatter studies. Laboratory of Atmospheric and Ionospheric Physics, Greece.
VHF/UHF/Microwave Radio Propagation. Barry McLarnon, VE3JF.
Meteor scatter links page.
VHF DX an expanding world by Eric Jamieson. Back issues of this excellent 6 metre DX column.
VHF DX propagation in Australia. Steve Gregory and Eric Jamieson.
How to work 50 MHz DX. Emil Pocock W3EP.
Sporadic-E propagation at VHF - a review of progress and prospects. Emil Pocock, W3EP.
Distance estimation for sporadic E DX. Todd Emslie.
Transatlantic VHF Propagation.
Pat Dyer's VHF Propagation page.


45-55 MHz TV video carrier frequencies for Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands.
48-55 MHz TV list (Africa, and Middle East). Compiled by Todd Emslie.
List of chA2 TV in the Pacific Islands, USA, Canada, Central America, and South America. Compiled by VK3OT.
48-55 MHz Asia video offsets received by T. Emslie.
Accurate Measurement of AM/SSB and TV Carrier Frequencies. Ian Roberts, ZS6BTE.
Precision frequency measurement of DXTV carriers by Kunihiko NAKANO, JE7IDA (Japan).
45-93 MHz precision DX TV video carrier frequencies. Received and compiled by Mituhiro Hukunaga (Japan).
Australian TEP target frequencies for Japanese DXers.
List of Chinese TV stations and frequencies. Compiled by Mituhiro Hukunaga (Japan).
List of Chinese ChC1 TV stations. Compiled by Tony Mann and Mituhiro Hukunaga.
Band 1 Television Video Offsets heard in England. John Faulkner, Frank Taylor, Tim Bucknall, and Cyril Willis.
Ian Roberts' 48-50 MHz TV video carrier frequency list. Accurate (1 Hz) list covering Europe, and the Middle East.
44-108 MHz TVLIST. World TV video and audio frequencies PDF list produced by the UKW/TV German TV FM DX club.
Another method of measuring TV carriers on the IC-R8500 scanner. Todd Emslie.
ChE2 TV in Equatorial Guinea.

List of 48 MHz chE2 African TV. Ian Roberts, ZS6BTE.

Yet another method of accurately measuring TV DX video carriers. Todd Emslie.

DIGIPAN software for accurate measurements of TVDX video frequencies.

World TV Standards and Systems

Color subcarrier frequency and TV Standards/TV Systems.

EME (Moonbounce)

Is Moonbounce DX-TV possible? 1983 article by Dr. S. C. Giess.
DX TV via EME propagation. Tony Mann and Ian Roberts.
Using EME to Locate VHF-SHF Transmitters. Ian Roberts, ZS6BTE.
Experimental moonbounce UHF TV DX reception. Todd Emslie's recent EME DX.
W7GU 50 and 144 MHz MHz page. Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) propagation.
Moonbounce (EME) UHF TVDX. Tony Mann.
Low noise GaAsFets preamps for EME Construction and measurements problems. DJ9BV. (PDF).


ACMA Australian ch0-69 TV stations list in channel order. PDF file.
National Telecommunications Commision Philippines TV station list PDF file.
Thailand full list of TV3, TV5, TV7, and TV9 TV tx's.
RTM Malaysia TV and FM station list.
Indonesian Terrestrial TV Station List. Compiled by Tony Mann.
Thailand TV3 map showing chE2-E4 TV.
Terrestrial TV Stations in Thailand. Compiled by Alan Davies.
TV-3 chE3 10kW tx in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Official list of SpectrumOnLine New Zealand MW FM TV station listings.


ABA Australian ABC AM, FM and TV station lists and coverage maps.
ACMA Australian 88.1-107.9 MHz FM list in channel order. PDF file.
Radio and Television Broadcasting in South & South East Asia. Compiled by Alan G. Davies.
Vanuatu official list of AM and FM stations.
Fiji Broadcasting Corporation official list of AM and FM stations and transmitter sites.
RTM Malaysia TV and FM transmitter list.
New Zealand Government Official FM stations list.
List of AM and FM stations in Kiribati (Gilbert Islands).
List of AM and FM stations in Niue (Near Tonga).
List of Norfolk Island AM, FM, and TV stations.
List of New Caledonia FM and TV stations.
List of FM and TV frequencies in Tonga.
Tuvalu AM and FM station list.
List of Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Saipan - Mariana Islands, and other US territory FM stations. FCC database search engine.
TVRadioWorld Oceania AM FM broadcasts.
TVRADIOWORLD. World wide TV and Radio. Not always comprehensive, but still useful.
ILG world radio database. World wide TV and Radio.


ICDX Australia TV FM DX group.
Skywaves British TV FM DX group.


Introduction and general advice. Bruce Carter.
FM antennas introduction and general advice. Bruce Carter.
Transmission lines, coax cable, etc, introduction and general advice. Bruce Carter.
Practical examples of fringe FM reception. Bruce Carter.
How to improve the selectivity of FM tuners. Bruce Carter.
How to select a tuner for 88-108 MHz fringe reception or FM DX. Todd Emslie.
Bruce Elving's guide to receiving long distance FM radio.
FM tuner information center.
Selection and installation of an appropriate FM antenna.


A Tech fabrication. UHF TV antenna and equipment reports.
Stacked Blake Model JBX14WB high gain UHF only antennas Aerials for deep fringe TV reception.
Fernando Garcia's TV DX page. 1,000+ mile UHF TV DX from New Mexico.
Jeff Kadet's TV DX page. Long-haul tropospheric UHF TV DX.
UHF TV DX reception techniques. Todd Emslie.


Wenlock Burton's OZ vintage site Australian test cards originally broadcast from 1964-1984.
Wenlock Burton's OZ vintage site Main index page.


MW loops design and theory. James Dale.
Whamlog. Medium wave loop related sites and DX technical articles.
Mark Connelly's collection of RF construction projects.
Pacific-Asia MW database list. Comprehensive 104 page list editored by Bruce Portzer.
Grayland, USA DXpedition for Pacific-Asia MW DX. Bruce Portzer and Chuck Hutton.
Comprehensive list of links for MW DX. Compiled by Bruce Portzer.
Introduction to MW DX. Compiled by Steve Whitt (UK) and Paul Ormandy (New Zealand).
DXing info. Finland web page run by Mika Mäkeläinen.
Dave Onley's Australian MW DX page.
Darwin MW DXpedition. Chris Martin and Brian Dodgson.


RF and electronics tutorials Ian Purdie VK2TIP.
VHF/UHF RF construction projects. Daniel Norman, Sweden.

ICDX Australia TV FM VHF/UHF DX e-mail discusssion group.

All links checked April 8, 2005, January 6, 2007.

Copyright © 2007 Todd Emslie