By Todd Emslie

Hello and welcome to the first edition of the ICDX Exotic TV and FM DX report.

This report will appear on a periodical basis. If any ICDX members would like to contribute to this report, they can send details of their logs to my e-mail address or write to me at my address as mentioned in the ICDX MEMBERS CORRESPONDENCE EXCHANGE LIST.

The 2000/2001 sporadic E season was certainly a disappointment for DXers in Australia and New Zealand. Many feel that the current sunspot cycle was the main cause.

F2 DX has been fair to good. Many Dxers have found that signal levels are down compared to the last two sunspot cycles. European TV has been received in WA, NT, QLD, and NSW.

Central America ChA2 TV has been received in NSW, QLD, NT, and New Zealand.

Dubai, United Arab Emerites (UAE), 48.25008 MHz ChE2 television has been frequently received in Australia, during November and December.

The most distant FM DX reception reported was KSBS-FM Pago Pago, American Samoa on 92.1 MHz, received by Geoff Wolfe at Cooma NSW Australia

DX logs for 31/10/ 2000 - 21/1/ 2000. All times UTC.

Oct 31, 2000 0917-0937 UTC 48.247399 MHz Biedenkopf, Germany. (bfo) - TE

0915-0940 UTC 48.260430 MHz Grunten, Germany. (bfo) - TE

0955-1015 UTC 50.14 MHz IK5YJY Italy. - TE

1210 55.2503 MHz ChA2 Philippines - DV

1310 55.2396 MHz ChE3 Johor Baru, Malaysia - DV

Nov 1, 2000 1126 New Zealand Ch1 45.25, 45.2396, 45.26 MHz - DV

Nov 2, 2000 0758-0810 48.250010 MHz ChE2, PM5544 test card (Middle east) - AM

Nov 3, 2000 48.250082 MHz ChE2 Dubai, UAE; 48.250161 ChE2 Homs, Syria - AM

0955 48.2396 MHz ChE2 (Iran?) - DV

0955 48.25 MHz ChE2 Dubai, UAE - DV

0955 48.2525 MHz ChE2 unid Middle East tv - DV

Nov 4, 2000 48.248696 MHz ChE2 Varanger, Norway - AM

0930-0939 48.250161 ChE2 Homs, Syria - AM

Nov 5, 2000 1300 55.25 ChA2 Philippines - DV

Nov 11, 2000 ChA2 TV from Mexico and Central America - TE

Nov 13, 2000 48.239606 MHz ChE2 Iran TV - AM

48.25016 MHz ChE2 Homs, Syria (0941 UTC) - AM

48.250061 MHz ChE2 Dubai, UAE (0941 & 1149) - AM

48.259768 MHz ChE2 Iran TV (occasional picture), - AM

48.250003 MHz ChE2 unid (0914-0941, with Iran, Syria & Dubai - AM

48.25346 MHz ChE2 dirty sounding carrier, fading - AM

49.752601 MHz ChR1 Atyuryevo, Russia - AM

Nov 14, 2000 0630 ChA2 55.25 MHz, and ChA3 61.25 MHz Philippines - DV

Nov 19, 2000 0430-0435 48.25 MHz ChE 2 Dubai, UAE - RC

48.239579 MHz ChE2 Genting Sempah, Malaysia via 3Es (4,100 miles) - TE

53.74 MHz TV audio chE2 Genting Sempah, Malaysia - TE

48.2474 MHz ChE2 German TV (bfo) - TE

Nov 20, 2000 0430-1100 48.250083 MHz ChE2 Dubai, UAE (7,500 miles) - TE

Nov 21, 2000 0645 48.2583 MHz ChE2 Middle East - DV

1215 ChA2 and ChA3 Philippines - DV

Nov 24, 2000 1205-1259 48.250082 MHz ChE2 Dubai, UAE - TE

Nov 26, 2000 55.249977 MHz ChA2 (Manila, Philippines) via multi-hop sporadic E - TE

Nov 29, 2000 1400-1430 55.249892 MHz KVZK-2 American Samoa (2,700 miles) - TE, GW

Nov 30, 2000 1028 48.239618 MHz ChE2 Iran, 48.259766 MHz ChE2 Iran, 48.25016 MHz ChE2 Syria - AM

Dec 5, 2000 0455 48.25008 MHz ChE2 Dubai, UAE - AM

Dec 6, 2000 92.1 MHz KSBS Pago Pago, American Samoa (2,900 miles) - GW

55.259622 MHz KHON-TV 2 Honolulu, Hawaii - TE

Dec 10, 2000 48.250084 MHz ChE2 Dubai, UAE - TE, AM

Dec 12, 2000 48.2396 MHz & 48.2474 MHz ChE2 German TV - AM

Dec 17, 2000 ABSQ 1 Warwick Qld Australia & RTQ0 Darling Downs Qld Australia via 2Es - AM

50.029 MHz P29 beacon Port Moresby, PNG (2,520 miles) - AM

Dec 21, 2000 45.2396 MHz TV1Ch1 Te Aroha, New Zealand & 45.2603 MHz TV2Ch1 Hikurangi, New Zealand via 3Es (3,300 miles) - AM

45.250008 MHz TV1Ch1 Hedgehope, New Zealand via sporadic E (3,000 miles) - AM

Dec 24, 2000 103.1 MHz 4ABC-RN Rockhampton Qld Australia via 2Es (2,100 miles) - AM

Jan 8, 2001 48.259755 MHz ChE2 Iran - AM

Jan 12, 2001 104.7 MHz 6ABC-FM Esperance WA Australia via tropospheric (1,320 miles) - RC

Jan 21, 2001 93.1 MHz 5RIM Loxton SA Australia via 2Es - BW

103.1 MHz 3ABC-RN Hopetoun Vic Australia via 2Es - BW

48.24 MHz (nominal) ChE2 peaking 80 degrees N/E (bfo) - RC

Thank you to the following Dxers for sending in their reports:

AM Anthony Mann, Perth WA Australia

BW Brian Withers, Taradale Hawkes Bay New Zealand

DV David Vitek, Adelaide SA Australia

GW Geoff Wolfe, Cooma NSW Australia

RC Robert Copeman, Melbourne Vic Australia

TE Todd Emslie, Sydney NSW Australia



By Todd Emslie

Hello and welcome to the second edition of the ICDX Exotic TV and FM DX report.

This report will appear on a periodical basis. If any ICDX members would like to contribute to this report, they can send details of their logs to my e-mail address.

On the 24th Feb, 2001 there was widespread sporadic E all over Australia which enabled a link to Evening Transequatorial DX. Dubai and Hawaiian television pictures were seen in Sydney between 2150 and 2300 UTC+11 hours.

Apart from the opening on the 24th, and occasional Middle East TV in to Perth,WA, F2 and sporadic E openings have been infrequent.

Watch out for F2 VHF DX during March, and especially April 2001.

DX logs for 22/1/2001 - 24/2/2001.

Log Times: AM = UTC, RC, TE = UTC+11)

Jan 22, 2001 10445-0540 55.249978 MHz 60Hz video from north Manila, Philippines, 3Es - AM

0453- 46.17/51.67 RTQ 0 Darling Downs Qld AUS, 2Es - AM

Jan 25, 2001 1200-1220 48.250170 Syria, 48.2598 & 48.2396 Iran TV - AM

Jan 26, 2001 0935 48.2598 Iran - AM

Jan 27, 2001 0433 46.17 RTQ0, 2Es - AM

Jan 30, 2001 1108-1140 48.239617 & 48.259758 Iran, 48.250159 Syria - AM

1114 + 48.249996 unidentified Middle East - AM

1120-1140 46.24 ABMN0 Wagga NSW AUS, 2Es - AM

Feb 06, 2001 0200-0230 46.240049 & 51.74 ABMN0 Wagga NSW AUS, 2Es - AM

45.250005 Hedgehope NZ, 3Es - AM

45.239601 Te Aroha NZ, 3Es - AM

Feb 11, 2001 1018-1155 48.250168 Syria TV - AM

1018-1212 48.259459 Iran TV (300 Hz lower than usual) - AM

1018-1155 48.239600 Iran TV - AM

1100 48.249990 unid TV, Middle East - AM

Feb 24, 2001 2130 50.066 VK6RPH Perth WA AUS, 50.306 VK6RBU Bunbury WA AUS, 2,000 miles Es - TE

2120-2255 55.259619 MHz KHON TV-2 Honolulu, HWA - TE

2120-2230 55.250068 MHz KHBC TV-2 Hilo, HWA - (BFO) - TE

2155-0016 48.250085 MHz DCRTV 2, Dubai UAE - TE

Feb 24, 2001 2150-2155 55.260MHZ KHON 2 Honolulu HWA (BFO) - RC

2230-2240 DCRTV 2 Dubai UAE - RC

Thank you to the following Dxers for sending in their reports:

AM Anthony Mann, Perth, WA, Australia: IC R7000, D100, 5 el 45-70 MHz yagi.

RC Robert Copeman, Melbourne, Vic, Australia: D100, 28 el CX28 Crossfire, Realistic Pro 2004.

TE Todd Emslie, Sydney, NSW, Australia: IC R7000, D100, 5 el 45-70 MHz yagi.



By Todd Emslie

Hello and welcome to the third edition of the ICDX Exotic TV and FM DX report.

This report will appear on a periodical basis. If any ICDX members would like to contribute to this report, they can send details of their logs to my e-mail address.

More information on ICDX member's DX logs can be found at the following web pages:

Todd Emslie's TV DX page: http://www.oocities.org/toddemslie/index.html

Anthony Mann's TV DX page: http://www.physics.uwa.edu.au/~agm/tvdx.html

ICDX DX logs archives: http://www.onelist.com/archives.cgi/icdx

Due to the declining solar cycle, VHF DX via the F2 layer was not as good as last April. However, there were some exotic catches on TV and FM received by Mituhiro Hukunaga (Japan) http://www.ah.wakwak.com/~konsu/

DX logs for 04/4/2001 - 01//2001.

Mar 21, 2001: 48.250009 ChE2 Dubai, UAE - AM

Mar 29, 2001: 48.25077 Dubai, 48.250161 Syria, 48.259737 Iran (bfo) - AM, TE

Apr 01, 2001: ChE2-E4, ChA2-A4, ChC1-C4 Asian TV via evening TEP - AM

Apr 01, 2001: 66.75 MHz probable QIRT FM via evening TEP - AM

Apr 04, 2001: 48.23959 S/W Iran, 48.25016 Homs, Syria, 48.259438 Teheran, Iran - AM

Apr 13, 2001: 48.25 ChE2 Limbang, East Malaysia - RC

Apr 19, 2001: 45.25 New Zealand Ch1 via F2 - AM

Apr 22, 2001: 67.728 MHz ChE4 TV5 Thailand - MH

Apr 25, 2001: 55.25 + 59.75 ChA2 KVZK American Samoa - MH

Apr 25, 2001: 94.5, 102.5, 104.1, 104.9, 105.7, 107.3 Darwin FM via evening TEP - MH

Apr 25, 2001: 92.9 MHz 8ABC RN Bathurst Island, NT via evening TEP - MH

Apr 25, 2001: 93.2 MHz RRI Tuel, Indonesia via evening TEP. (3,000 miles) - MH

Apr 25, 2001: 55.25 MHz ChE3 Phnom Penh, Cambodia. (2,100 miles) - MH

Apr 26, 2001: 45.25 + 50.75 MHz New Zealand Ch1 via TEP - MH

Apr 27, 2001: 91.3 8ABC RR + 92.9 8ABC RN Bathurst Island, NT. (3,075 miles) - MH

Apr 27, 2001: All Darwin FM transmitters via evening TEP. (3,100 miles) - MH

Apr 27, 2001: 55.75 MHz Chinese TV sound - West - MH

Apr 30, 2001: 95.0 MHz Bayon Radio Cambodia - MH

May 01, 2001: 57.242 + 62.742 low power Ch1 from (Christmas Is, or Cocos Is?) - in fact, this turned out to be a spurious emission from a Philippines chA4 tx. - MH

Thank you to the following Dxers for sending in their reports:

AM Anthony Mann, Perth, WA, Australia: Onkyo T-488F, IC R7000, D100, 5 el 45-70 MHz yagi.

MH Mituhiro Hukunaga, Kyushu Island, Japan: Onkyo T-4711, APS-13 FM aerial, Icom 8500, D100

RC Robert Copeman, Melbourne, Australia: D100, 28 el CX28 Channelmaster Crossfire, Realistic Pro-2004.

TE Todd Emslie, Sydney, Australia: Onkyo T-9090 11, IC R7000, D100, 5 el 45-70 MHz yagi, Triax FM-8.




VHF DX logs