If you are not certain of your "winning" status, the mere fact that you have found this website automatically makes you a winner.
Getting to Know Toddesha:
Bizarro Lindsey
Toddesha's Dream Cast for Jesus Christ Superstar
List O' Facts About Girl K. McDaniel
Toddesha's Address Book
Toddesha's Quiz
Toddesha's Other Quiz
How Toddesha Got Her Name
The Trial of the Millennium: Toddesha's Day in Court
Vital Statistics
A Look Back at High School
A Shout Out to Toddesha's Home: PG County (AND what?!)
Ten Reasons to Love D.C.
Toddesha's Friends
Toddesha, D.A.
(I wrote this after watching
Duck Tales: The Movie
The Adventures of Pearlman
6th Floor Hughes Awards 2003
6th Floor Hughes (and Nicole) Awards 2002
Diary of Laurie, P.I.
The Tale of Brace and Stinky
Katherine the Mediocre
Election 2000:
P-Pam for President
Lamarr!: Profile of a Presidential Candidate
The C+ Team
The Legacy of JP Money
Da Bomb Jonx: Reflections of JP Money
In the Beginning
Contributions by P-Pam
A Girl Named Tony
A Public Service Announcement
Contributed by Toddesha's family
Music Quiz by Mom
Baseball Quiz by John
Bits o' Irrelevance
MASH: Buffy-style
The Buffy Drinking Game
Toddesha's Summer Contest 2002
Chris Cornell Wants Me So Bad...
Growing Up in DC
Festivus For the Rest of Us
Bamas: An Anthropological Study
The Chronicle of Fuzzy Wuzzy (and other unrelated things)
Odds and Ends
Soy For Your Health
My Funny Valentine
Psychiatry or Proctology
Lyrics to Various songs (in no particular order)
Web Page Staples
The Love Page
The Music Page
Lists and Miscellaneous Crap
Email Toddesha!
In an attempt to completely destroy my already barely-existent self-esteem, I've added a counter. Do not be deceived by the number of people on it; they'll all be me.
Welcome to Toddesha's Winners Only Webpage
If you want to know Toddesha, you must become familiar with Chris Cornell.