Actually, no, this is more of a IHateMyLifeAndINeedToBecomeAHermit Page. But, no, in the end, I think my best bet is to dedicate this page to ERHS, my brand new alma mater (ha! I have an alma mater!) Things to miss: 1. Nothing well, that's not entirely true... 1. Jazz band, Powder Puff, ROTC practices in the morning 2. Hall decorations for Homecoming 3. Driving down Hanover Parkway and Mandan Road in the spring when the trees blossom (its possible only I will miss that) 4. How impressed people look when you say you go to Roosevelt, even though you know for a FACT that it really isn't special 5. That rare and wonderful thing we call field trips 6. Class Night...well, for a couple years there, anyway... 7. The random, hilarious things you hear/see in the hallway (hey Oni, remember the boy with the braids sticking up like the devil?) 8. The in-jokes (book; No-H; WHF; You're Pregnant?!?!?; the Hoff; and an assortment of others) 9. Singing in a hallway so full of people that nobody really notices that, you know, you're singing... 10. The same applies to dancing, jumping around, and acting a fool in general 11. Getting A's in classes for no reason. Things not to miss: 1. Hall sweeps 2. 10 minute wait to use the only working toilet out of 4 in the girls room, and then for there to be no TP to be found. 3. Guidance 4. The Cafeteria 5. "Eh, friend wants you number" 6. 22 spacious, heat controlled, and otherwise ugly, inconveinient , and quite permanent "temporaries" 7. IDs 8. Temporary IDs 9. The lining of the walls across from the library 10. People blocking the stairs 11. Never seeing anybody you know (or that you can stand to be around) anywhere...EVER 12. Full Of It Man (this is the one and only time this name will be uttered on this page; he needs no publicity, and is best forgotten). 13. Lines...for everything 14. Our peers (I know how snobby that sounds, but I don't care; they make me sick sometimes) 15. ALL school sponsored events (yes, including those two disappointments called Prom and Grad Night) 16. General grunginess of the apperance 17. No windows 18. Ok, does anybody remember in 9th grade when the science side of the top floor stank for like 3 weeks because a rat died in a locker or something? 19. Being completely lost in math (though I'm sure I have more of that to come...) 20. Teachers that come to class late (Finnerty, Vincent, McGill, etc....It's particularly irritating if it's your homeroom...and it's a temporary...and it's cold outside...and she yells at YOU when she gets there...not that anybody at ROOSEVELT would ever do THAT...) 21. S/T 22. English essay theses that nobody agrees with (or that nobody understands) 23. Turnstile and detector in the library...yeah, I feel trusted and secure 24. Funky smells from the weight room 25. Approx. 3200 people 26. Parking 27. losing dollar after dollar in the soda machines. 28. Illogical routes to exit the building for fire drills 29. ....Fire drills in general 30..... Especially in sleet 31. Student drivers...especially ones that hit your car and don't acknowledge it, cause you to develop an unreasonably intense hatred toward them, if you know who I'm talking about, and I think you do. 32. RP 33. Walking outside at the end of the day to find that it's been a beautiful day and you had no idea 34. Walking outside at the end of the day to find that its raining and you had no idea...and no umbrella 35. Two hour first periods (unless, of course you have a morning internship, in which case, that's a wonderful thing) Home |