My old 69 Bronco
My old 1969 Bronco Sport resting on the driveway after a partial restoration. I have since sold this beauty and purchased a 70 Bronco Sport to work over.  More to come on the 70 Bronco.
Here's the 69 Sport playing in the hills near Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, CA.  This picture shows the white flares prior to being painted body color.  I also painted the entire hard top Wimbledon white.  I didn't like it body color much.
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This is a picture of me playing in Azusa Canyon, CA.  I had a lot of fun with this truck.  It's new owner really loves it to.  I'm currently building up a 1970 Bronco Sport.  It is more original and had more options than this 1969.  They were both previously owned by members of the same family.  I used to look at these trucks when I was a kid and think to myself "someday I want a truck like that".  Well, I got them BOTH!