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Niagara 36" Barfolder "FOR SALE"
Roper Whitney 36" Barfolder "SOLD"
Item RW-BF
PS&W "Wright's Patent" Folding Machine

This category includes Barfolders and Sheet Iron Folders.

Sheet Iron Folders were designed to form locks (groove seam) for pipe, in varying widths from 1/4" to 5/8", depending on the machine. The seam can be turned on material that has already been formed or on flat sheets. The Sheet Iron Folder will close down the lock ready for grooving with little or no malleting.

Lock Seam formed on Sheet Iron Folder

Groove Seam finished on groove seamer

Barfolders are more versatile than the Sheet Iron Folders. Depending on the size and brand, Barfolders will turn locks from 3/32" to 1 5/8" and will turn closed or open locks and round edges for wiring straight work. With the different stops found on most machines, they will repeatedly turn 45, 90 and 135 degree angles with a sharp or radius bend.

Email me at Tinsmithing Tools. Please refer to item #.

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