The Old Tongue
Al'cair'rahienallen - OT "The Hill of the Golden Dawn"
Aldieb - OT "Westwind" The wind that brings the spring rains.
Al Ellisande - OT "For the Rose of the Sun"
angreal - OT? "?" An object of the One Power.
Avendesora - OT "the Tree of Life"
Avendoraldera - OT "?"
Carai an Caldazar - OT "For the honor of the Red Eagle" The ancient battle cry of Manetheren.
Carai an Ellisande - OT "For the honor of the Rose of the Sun" The battle cry of Aemon, last King of Manetheren.
cuendillar - OT? "?" An unbreakable substance.
Dai Shan - OT? "Diademed Battle Lord" A title in the Borderlands.
Far Dareis Mai - OT "Maidens of the Spear" An Aiel warrior society.
hei - OT "Always"
Ishamael - OT "Betrayer of Hope"
Lanfear - OT "Daughter of the Night"
Kiserai ti Wansho - OT "Glory to the Builders"
Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei - OT "Here is always a welcome for Aes Sedai"
Mahdi - OT "Seeker" Title of the leader of a Tuatha'an caravan.
Mandarb - OT "Blade"
Manetherendrelle - OT "Waters of the Mountain Home"
Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar!" - OT
Ninte calichniye no domashita - OT "Your welcome warms me"
Shadar Logoth - OT "Where the Shadow Waits" or "Shadow's Waiting"
shoufa - OT? "?"
stedding - "?"
Suravye ninto manshima taishite - OT "Peace favour your sword"
ta'maral'ailen - OT "Web of Destiny"
Tarmon Gai'don - OT "The Last Battle"
ta'veren - OT "?"
Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin - OT "The Grave is no bar to my call"
Tsingu ma choba - OT "
Tsingu ma choshih, T'ingshen - OT
Trolloc Tongue
Ba'alzamon - TT "Heart of the Dark"
Djevik K'Shar - TT "The Dying Ground" The Trolloc name for the Aiel waste
Thakan'dar - TT? "?"
Vlja daeg roghda! - TT "?" possibly "put sword down", possibly curse of some sort.
Language of the Fourth Age
Alethe nin Taerin alta Camora - 4th "The Breaking of the World"
Charal Drianaan te Calamon - 4th "The Cycle of the Dragon"
Common Phrases, Oaths, Greetings, etc.
Common to all Lands
acting like a black-veiled Aiel - used to describe someone who is being violent.
Blood and ashes - A common oath.
Burn me - A common oath
If you watch the wolf too hard, a mouse will bite you on the ankle - A saying.
Light! - A common oath
naming the Dark One - Inviting trouble.
No man can stand in the Shadow so long that he cannot find the Light again. - A saying common in all nations.
taken (possesed) by the Dragon - Describes someone who is endangering those near him, particularly without cause.
The Dark One and all the Forsaken are bound in Shayol Ghul, beyond the Great Blight, bound by the Creator at the moment of Creation, bound until the end of time. The hand of the Creator shelters the world, and the Light shines on us all. - A common prayer in all lands.
Aes Sedai
Is there a rock so hard that wind and water cannot wear it away, a fire so strong that water cannot quench it or wind snuff it out - A phrase among Aes Sedai, an attempt to convince themselves that they are the equal of male channelers in terms of raw power. Any equivalent saying by male Aes Sedai is long lost, but heartstone and balefire come to mind.
Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day - Aiel saying, a statement of how long they intend to fight.
The look of the Eyeless is fear - A common phrase in the Borderlands.
Peace - A common oath in the Borderlands, used similarly to "Light"
Children of the Light
All is well with the night. The light illumine us and protect us from the Shadow - Statement of well-being used by Whitecloak night guards. Incredibly rigid like the Whitecloaks themselves.
Fortune A common oath in Illian, used similarly to "Light"
Fortune desert me - Illianer oath
Fortune prick me - Illianer oath
Horn-cursed - common Illianer oath, refers to the Horn of Valere.
To stand against the Shadow so long as iron is hard and stone abides. To defend the Malkieri while one drop of blood remains. To avenge what cannot be defended. - Traditional oath of Malkieri kings.
Your name sings in my ears - Ogier greeting.
Your pain sings in my heart - Ogier expression of sympathy.
Put a long handle on your axe - Ogier expression meaning to act in haste.
The leaf lives its appointed time, and does not struggle against the wind that carries it away. The leaf does no harm, and finally falls to nourish new leaves. So it should be with all men. - An explanation of the Way of the Leaf.
You are welcome to our fires. Do you know the song? You came in peace. Depart now in peace. Always will our fires welcome you, in peace. The Way of the Leaf is peace." Two Rivers
Coplin talk - Nonsense, or foolishness. A term used in the Two Rivers.
If wishes were wings, sheep would fly - A TR saying.
Sometimes you have to grab the wolf by the ears - A saying in the TR.
When you have a wolf by the ears, it's as hard to let go as to hold on. - Another saying in the TR.
Whether the bear beats the wolf or the wolf beats the bear, the rabbit always loses. A saying in the TR.
© 1996 James A. Welsh (except content which is © Robert Jordan)
"Your welcome warms my spirit, Mahdi, as your fires warm the flesh, but I do not know the song"
"Then we seek still. As it was, so shall it be, if we but remember, seek, and find. - Traditional greeting of the Tuatha'an.
"Peace be on you always, and on all the People. I will find the song, or another will find the song, but the song will be sung, this year or in a year to come. As it once was, so shall it be again, world without end."
"World without end. World and time without end. - Traditional farewell of the Tuatha'an.