UPDATED 25 Jul 97 -= 991 =- SIGN THE GUESTPAD   Message   Artworks   Yumi-chan   Webring   Buttons   Omake Count began 3 Jul 97 JOSHUA LESNICK'S HOME PAGES Site made by Joshua, ©1997 |
Online since March '96, you hoser. Now optimized for both IE 3.0 and Netscape 3.0. There! You happy now?!! HUH?!!! And, as always, the page is Link Free! ("Link Free" means web authors can make links to this site without asking me first =P)
I'll be moving to a new webserver within the next two weeks... hopefully for the last time in a while... The new address will most likely be http://anepro.animearchive.com/ (18 Jul 97) I hated the way the menus looked so I decided to change them. Now I'm implimenting a menu in the left column, a format which is used on about a zillion other pages ^^; Oh well. So far, this change has only been made to the home page and buttons page, which just received a major update. I'm hoping the "buttons project" will be as successful as the Fan Art Webring. (9 Jul 97) If you've sent me email, please be patient 'cause it may be a while before I can reply. ^^ Yumi-chan's first shipment date has been moved to July 20. I am now helping Zahara Medina translate the Dragon Half manga. A link to where you can find the scripts is on the Message page. I have a minimum wage job now so future updates may be kinda erratic. (12 Jun 97) Yumi-chan's nationwide mail order distribution has begun. Will anyone take advantage of it? Who knows... Check out the new, revamped Yumi-chan page for info info info...