To donate an image to this page, contact Your Name Deedlit"This world is full of people who can get you from behind. I will protect you from them. You keep your eyes on what's ahead."Fondly known as Deed', this curious high elf found an instant attraction to Parn the warrior. She decided to join him and his band in an epic quest straight out of a fantasy novel with dragons, wizards and heroes. Deedlit is a character of great internal strength but her popularity comes from her vulnerabilities as a beautiful woman. Image Sources and Quality LinksAnime Web Turnpike: Record of Lodoss WarsLodoss War Image Archive Index Page Forest of No Return Deedlit Shrine Entrance Nightfall Record of Lodoss War Credits and CopyrightsVoice Actress: Yumi TomaCreator: Group SNE - Hitoshi Yasuda, Ryo Mizuno & Yukata Izubuchi Production Company: Kadokawa Shoten U.S. Distribution Company: Central Park Media - U.S. Manga Corps This information is provided from another Record of Lodoss War page. All images are the property of the above companies Interested in hosting this page?
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