~*WeLCoMe To mAh DoMe*~

sMiLe aSiAn StYlEz No DiGGiTy No DoUbt

Hey All you peoples. Wassaperz? You have now Entered CkGURlS dome. I Be StArTiNg a NeW BeGGiNiNg fOr tHa 98. sO yO'S BeSS WaTcH OuT. TeEhEE. aNywAYZ iMMa gOnnA cHaNGe LoTTs sTuFF tHiS YeAr cUz i HaVen'T ToUcHed tHiS PaGe fOr tHe LaSt...dAmN...yEaR oR sO. BUt i gOt LoTs oF PiX oN Mah PaGe NoW..unForTuNaTeLy aLL of Me aNd MaH HoMiEs. sOrRy..dUn gEt bLiNdEd..I WaRnEd yOu aHeAd oF tImE. gOtTa gIb PrOpS tO JoHn fOr HeLpInG mE wIt All tHa PiX. aNyWaYz...MuCH LoVe aNd CaReZ tO Ya'LL aNd PeAcE oUt. iTs aLL aBoUT tHa WeStCoAst aSiAnz BaBy!! heeHee..BtW..BeFoRe YoU Go, YoU BeSS aLL SiGn MaH G-BoOK oR eLsE i'LL CUM HuNt YoU dOwN!! HeEHEE..LaTeRz

RePrEsEnTiN oUt fOr tHa' SoUtH sIdE oF KaLi! WeStsIdE In tHa HoUsE!


Fighting Evil By Moonlight Winning Love by Daylight

Here iS tHa 411 oN mEeH! and my life story

Some KooL LiNks tO cHeCk OuT!

Here is some Links to some Friend's Pages, notice, there have better pages then mine =b

Here are some Dedications and ShoutOuts to YoU All!

Come visit Pamz Poetry Corner and chill to the sweet poems and songs, this page is not totally finished yet, more poems added everyday

Yoo Know When You Are Asian - Check this out to see HOW asian you are!

bE pARt oF tHe aSiAn PrYdE anD sUrF sUm aSiAn RiNGs

PiXtUre AlbUm

fOr YoU aLL LeO FrEAkz LiKE Me! I'M gEtTiNg NeW LeO PiX fRum TiTaNiC sOOn..BuT YoU KnOw He LoOks tHa BeSt In BaSkEtBaLL DiaRy. *sIgH* tEeHeE

ThIS iS tHa paRt oF YoUr ViSiT..tHaT..YoU...SIGN MY GUESTBOOOOOOKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! heehee...jUsT kLiCk heehee YoU KnOW i'M TaLkIn aBoUT YoU oVeR tHeRe!

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YoU aRe NuMBeR tAh ViSiT mAh DoMe oF aSiAniSm

© OnE NiGGy NaUgHTy HeAvEn EmAiL Me aT: an812@lafn.org

Last Updated MaRcH 25rd, 1998 bY CkGuRl PrOdUcTiOnS

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