
Bastard! takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where man is ruled by feudalism and war is ruled by magic. The series chronicles the adventure of the demon wizard, Dark Schneider. Powerful, egotistical, handsome, womanizer...DS is out to rule the world - and it's women. The problem? He's been confined in the body of a fourteen year old boy. Unfortunately, he's fallen in love with Yoko, the daughter of the man who put him there...

DS with Efreet Dark Schneider

Dark Schneider

DS and Yoko

Bastard! is a six part OAV and 20 book manga. (The manga series had been picked up by a different company after the original artist had a nervous breakdown under the pressure of looming deadlines). After a long interim, manga installments are now continuing monthly in Japan.

Warning: contains sexual content. Well, duh.

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