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Akira Sendoh

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AKIRA.jpg (31246 octets) Whouu... big problem... I don't know exactly who he is...I know Akira is a character of Slam Dunk, but as I only read the first volume of the manga and saw three episodes of the serie, he's not appeared yet!!!! So I know he plays Basketball (like most of the guys in Slam Dunk ^_^"), that he's really good (hum... according to the fics I read...)... And that's all!!!!!! Well, he seems to be really smiley so I suppose he's a nice guy!!!! He also has cool hair!!!! And he could be a really cute couple with Rukawa!!!! (no... I'm not at all obsessed by yaoi....) Maybe when I read the volumes where he is, I will hate him, but for now he's here!!!!


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