Soun Tendo

Soun Tendo is the middle aged father of three living in Nerima, Tokyo. A few years after Akane, his youngest, was born, Mrs. Tendo passed away and Soun was left to raise the three of them. He raised them best he could until they were responsible enough to take care of themselves. Now it seems they take care of him.

Currently, Soun does not have a regular source of income, he is not emotionally stable (thus adding more fun to the story), and all he does is play either Chess or Go all day with Genma. He is a responsible adult though, as he will OFTEN step in when he is needed, (but most times not), he will always PREPARE to defend the dojo (but always backs down for Ranma and Akane), and he is one of the more cost efficient residents of the dojo. (But, if he would go get a job and support the dojo, is another story.)

Soun and Genma trained together a long time ago under their master Happosai. He was evil. Evil to the core. (Evil enough to drive an ogre out of his body.) The main part of training would be to cover for the master when he stole ANYTHING (ladies unmentionables, food,) and when he looked at women through the dressing room window. Finally, one day they were ran out of town by a mob of villagers, and that is when they hatched a plan. That night, Soun and Genma got Happy drunk with the alcohol, tossed him into a barrel with plastic explosives, tossed it into a cave and sealed it with a boulder so the master would logically be killed by the explosion. (Or so they thought)

Years ago, he and Genma Saotome decided that one of Soun's daughters will marry Genma's only son, Ranma, and together the two will carry on the School Of Anything Goes Martial Arts. As luck would have it, Ranma fell into The Spring Of Drowned Girl and became half girl. Now Soun has an aquatranssexual for an in-law.


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