Praise the Lord for Christ and the Church!

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This Mystery is great But I speak with regard to Christ and the Church. Ephesians 5:32

The followings are the links related to the Lord's Recovery.

Living Stream Ministry, publishing the works of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee
The official Living Stream Ministry Site. It contains list of the works of Watchman Nee and witness Lee. Chinese and Spanish sites are avaliable too.
Living Stream Ministry (Chinese)
Living Stream Ministry site in Chinese.
Affirmation & Critique
Let's see what Bible says! A good source that helps you to understand truth.
Affirmation & Critique(Chinese)
Experts Speaks
Many people have misunderstaindings about Churches and Witness Lee. Let's hear what experts have to say!
New Jerusalem
A site provides LSM information in Simplified Chinese.
Dairly Spiritual food via Emain. Subscribe now!!!
North America Student Center
Provides Assistance to international students who are new to America across the continent.
Enjoy! (Chinese)
Dairly gospel material for gosple friends, in Chinese.
EManna Bookstore
On-line bookstores.

The Churches
The Chuches in Lord's Recovery in Taiwan
Want to know the information for all the Churches in Lord's Recovery in Taiwan? Here you should go! It also contains links to all the Church web pages. (Chinese)
The Churches in TaiChung, TzangHua and NainTo Counties, Taiwan
The Church in PuTz, Taiwan (Chinese)
The Church in PuLi, Taiwan, ROC (Chinese)
The Church in BainChau, Taiwan (Chinese)
The Church in ShinHua, Taiwan (Chinese)
The Church in Jacksonville

The Campus Student Groups
Youth Fellowship
The yonge people in Malaysia. This site contains many links to Lord's Recovery sites. I obtains many URL from here. ^^
Christian on Campus, University of Toronto, Canada
I used to live here for 7 years. Praise the Lord!
College Saints In Hong Kong
CSUF Christian Students, USA
Fullerton College Christian Students, USA(HongKong)
Harvard University, MA, USA
Southern California Campus Work
Hymns & Enjoy Club in the KauShiung First Techonogy. University (Chinese)

基 督 徒 組 成 , 內 容 是 對 教 會 詩 歌 的 欣 賞 及 介 紹 。
Christian Group that enjoy and introduce the Hymns in the Church
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Saints
Inoch's Workshop
Chinese Speaking Youth Group in East Valley, San Cabriel (Chinese)
Stones for Building
Living Water (Chinese)
Overcomer for Lord's Recovery by David Cheng (Chinese)
This is a very nice designed site contains a lot information concerning Lord's recovery
Grace Garden (Chinese)
傻木耳網站Samuel (Chinese)
Christ to you
The Heavenly Kitchen (Chinses & English)
Yui-Ting Ma's Home 馬妞妞的家 (Chinsse & English)
Jacob Peng's Homepage (Chinsse & English)
Stephen Wu's (Chinsse)
Timothy's Home Page - The Deeper Meaning of Christian Life
神聖啟示的推廣和召會生活分享 The divine revelation and truth in the Lords Recovery (Chinese)

Plese E-mail me your URL if you would like me to add you into my list!