Welcome to Sakhalin (Karafuto)!

Sakhalin is a very long island located between the Sea of Okhotsk and Sea of Japan. It is approximately the same size as Ireland or about 78,000
square kilometres. It is 948 kilometres long with width varying from 160 kilometres to
26 kilometres. Mamiya strait (Tatar Strait in Russian) separates the island from the continent which
at one point separates with only 7.5 kilometres. On the south, the island is separated with Hokkaido
by Soya Strait (La Perouse Strait in Russian). Fell free to look around and see what Sakhalin is and who they truly belong to.
Are you interested in Sakhalin? Do you even know where in the world it is located in? Click here and I can show maps of Sakhalin and its geographical characteristics!
Have any idea who discovered the island? Who are the aboriginal people of the island? Actually, the aboriginal people of the island are the Ainu, Uiltas and Nivkhis who are closely related to the Japanese race. When the Russians came to Sakhalin, aboriginal people suffered very much. To know the history before 1900, please check it here!
History from 1905 to 1970. Sakhalin island has meat so many catastrophe which the whold doesn't even know it. It went through Russo-Japanese war, Soviet invasion, 300 Uiltas slaughtered by Soviets, ethnic Koreans abandoned by the Japanese, Soviet Union using Koreans as slaves and more. Please check this page for sure!
Wanna see what Sakhalin is like today. Actually there are many remains of Japanese culture in Sakhalin. There are many monuments of the war to brainwash the civillians to teach that Soviets or Russians were the victoms of the Soviet invasion of Sakhalin. There are many beautiful pictures of present Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (former Toyohara). Its well worth is to visit this place.