Sorceress Edea
We first hear of Edea as the Sorceress intent on taking over Galbadia using President Deling. Cool and calculating, she thinks nothing of taking over Seifer's soul and making him her knight. Squall and his team are thrust into the midst of political intrigue and an attempt on her life. It seems as if the SeeDs are up against a formidable enemy, but is Edea really evil? The first villians never are...
Here are the pics:
Assassinate the Sorceress!
- edea.jpg Close up of her face during the parade through the streets of Deling City.
- edea2.jpg Hair flying in the breeze... she's just woken up.
- edea3.jpg Another close up of her face, a bit shadowy.
- edea4.jpg Close up of her face, Rinoa (a bit blurry) in the background.
- edea5.jpg Half body shot, walking to address the crowd in Deling City. How does she carry that fan thingy on her back? It looks heavy...
- edea6.jpg Edea at the podium. Pretty lady, with a dress and curves to put Elvira to shame. :)
- edea7.jpg Shot of her sitting on her float. How does she fit into that dress?
- edea8.jpg One side stone, one side fire, standing alone among all men's desire...
- edea9.jpg Similar shot to the first picture, maybe a little brighter.
- edea10.jpg Deflecting Irvine's bullet with a Shell. They never had a chance of hitting her at all.
- edea11.jpg A smirk on her face. She looks really evil...
- edea12.jpg Casting her Ice Strike part 1...
- edea13.jpg ... And part 2.
- edea14.jpg She doesn't seem to be all there.. Pretty lady, if not for the veiny things down the side of her face.
- edea15.jpg A real close up of her eye. Looks like she has a club for a pupil.
Introduction sequence:
- edea16.jpg Black and white full body shot of Edea.
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Updated on 24th September 2000.
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