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Yay!!! You wanna see Piccolo-san!! I know he's sorta camera shy, but he's really got some good poses here! Heh-heh, just don't let him know this place is around, ~*Looks about to see if anyone is easedropping*~ he might get mad. ~*Grins*~ Anyway, enjoy, and I'll warn you if I see Piccolo-san coming!
Piccolo, freash from battle
oops... looks like Piccolo-San found us!
Ki blastin' Piccolo! (sounds like an action figure)
Piccolo, ready to take you on!
Blocking a punch from Sansho
Piccolo flying off to battle Radditzu with Gokou
Piccolo, Baby Gohan and Gokou... cover of the first movie
Piccolo with Gohan and Kuririn. Gokou's in the back
Piccolo using his trademark ki attack! Gohan jumping at you!
Piccolo and Gohan sweating it as they face Nappa
getting rid of the moon
Manga scan of Piccolo, Super Saiyajin Gohan, and Kuririn
Piccolo removing his turban and cape
Piccolo facing of against Perfect Cell
Piccolo fighting Perfect Cell
The Namek looking down at someone... just hope it isn't you!!
Piccolo chopping a poor baka da in half with his bare hand
Looking over at an enemy
Giving you one of those looks
One word... ANGRY!!
Awwww! Look! Chibi Piccolo! Aint he cute?
Full body shot of Piccolo gining you one of those looks!
Piccolo giving some more of his trademark attitide
Reach out and touch someone!
Pisses look, showing teeth
Not wearing cape and turban, battle stance
Larger version of Ki Blastin' Piccolo
Animated pic of Piccolo's Trademark Drilling Ki attack