I'm afraid it's a bit hard to say anything nice about these two. Sailor Chi and Sailor Phi are the Starseed Gardeners, also known as the Garden Crystal Senshi, or just Garden Senshi. They are gaurdians of the gardens of very large spiky starseeds around and in Galaxia's palace at Zero Star Sagitarrious. They also are somehwhat in charge of the Sailor Animates and other minions, becausee they can be seen apologizing for the failure of the others, like those who are second in command would. Sailor Chi(red) is sometimes called Sailor X, even though she's not. X is the Greek letter for "Chi", so that may be why people make that mistake. There is truly no Sailor X; she only exist in fanfictions. Why are they called Garden Senshi? They're probably named after the crystals of Galaxia. The biggest Garden Crystal is the one in Sailor Galaxia's palace, and in that crystal Galaxia stores all the starseeds she's aquired in her ventures. There was a scene in which Chi and Phi were admiring the Garden Crystal, commenting on how Galaxia controled it with her Sapphire Crystal(in Galaxia's sun brooch). Often, Chi and Phi can be seen waving there staffs below the great Garden Crystal, perhaps keeping the angry starseeds in the Crystal under control.
Of all Galaxia's minions, Sailor Chi and Phi are probably the strongest. They are totally evil, and Galaxia trust them the most, or else she wouldn't let them so near the Garden Crystal. Also, Chi and Phi carry "sun" symbols on them, on their staffs and hair pieces. The sun sympbol happens to very Galaxia oriented, so perhaps they fact Chi and Phi wear such things -and their hair tied up in a "warrior's knot" like Galaxia- shows how close to her they are and how deadly they can be.
Sailor Chi and Phi appeared in all of the stars manga. They were the ones who destroyed Sailor Lethe and Sailor Mnemosyne when they were agreeing to help Sailor Moon, rather than kill her. Sneaking up behind Lethe and Mnemosyne, they killed them both with an energy blast from their staffs, took their seeds, and the Sailor Stalight's seeds, and disappeared.
Chi and Phi appeared again later when Sailor Moon and the others made it to the Starseed gardens. They introduced themselves, and attacked, Phi blasting them with her Galatica Plants Blizzard. Evading this blast, Sailor Kakyuu attacked Phi with her Kinmoku Fusion Tempest and Sailor Moon finished Phi off with her Therapy Kiss. Furious at the loss of her twin, and they fact they were losing, Sailor Chi came up behind Sailor Kakyuu and stabbed her through the back with her staff. The Asteriod Senshi had arrived by then, and attacked Sailor Chi,who blocked thier attack with her staff, but it was to late for Kakyuu.
"I want to be with the others...born again..can I...?"murmured Kakyuu.
"Of course" said Usagi," We are the Sailor Crystal who are born again and again."
Kakyuu smiled" ..The sailor crystals...are our hope, aren't they?" and she died in Sailor Moon's arms.
Sailor Moon all too gladly killed Sailor Chi after that.
© 1997 Sailor Lethe