Sailor Lethe & Sailor Mnemosyne

Sailor Lethe(turquoise) and Sailor Mnemosyne(violet) are the guardian Senshi of the Rivers surrounding Galaxia's palace at Zero Star Sagitarious. Some people refer to them as the Desert River Senshi because the area around Shadow Galactica that they guarded was a desert. Their names are from Greek/Roman myth. Lethe is the River of Oblivion (forgetfulness) in the Underworld. Before the dead leave to be resurrected on Earth, they drink from this river to clear their minds of their previous life. Mnemosyne is not a river, but a Titan and the Mother of the Nine Muses, so technically the Mother of Memory. These two Sailor Soldiers only appeared in the manga.

When Eternal Sailor Moon, Chibichibi, the Starlights and Princess Fireball arrived at Zero Star Sagitarious, the first thing the encountered was the large expanse of desert, and no easy way to get across till they found the ferryman. Hidden by a hooded cloak, they did not know who the ferryman was,"I am Lethe," the figure says. "I am the ferryman of this desert river. Please come aboard, foreigners."

Since the ferryman offered them a way across the desert, they got in the boat. However, halfway across the desert, the sand changed to water the whole boat sank and they fell in!

Eternal Sailor Moon woke up in a dreamy daze as Usagi,sitting on a swing, and standing before her with a silvery oar staff was Sailor Lethe, smiling. "Are those you're cats?" Lethe asked, but Usagi didn't remember.Lethe was holding Luna, Artemis and Diana in her arms. They were still normal cats, thanks to Sailor Tin Nyanko earlier, and it seemed that they saw Usagi, for they were smiling. Sailor Moon looked at them, and still could not remember.

"If you raise and care for cats, they'll be lonely when you die"said Lethe,"It's much better to be alone, don't you think?" Lethe raised her hand, and with a powerful blast the cats in the hologram were blown into pieces!

"Be... alone?"Usagi, mumbled. "No,it's not good to be alone, that's why I feel i should make lots of friends."

If you're lonesome, what kind of friends then?"

"My friends....I don't remember.." Usagi does not move as Lethe points to her ring."Do you have a lover?"

" I wonder..."said Usagi,"do i....? I don't recall.."

"Your memories as a person have no value,"Lethe said. "Even that body is only a vessel. The thing that has value to us is..."her metal bracelets glow. She raises her arm. "Power only!" A blast strikes the three cats, splattering their bodies onto the floor.

Usagi touches the ashes of the cats " How can you kill them so easily?" she asked." They were born to live!..."

"Those with life"responds Lethe"are born to die." She raises her oar-like staff-""Galactica Myosotis Alpestris!" (M. alpestris is an alpine species of the forget-me-not flower.) Usagi screams, and collapses. Mnemosyne peers down from above the surface of the Lethe river water, and cringes.

"Why are you trying to kill me...?"asked Usagi.

"Because you came here to lose everything,"said Lethe cooly.

To lose my name, my life... ,thinks Usagi. No, that's not it. I don't want to lose everything. I have many friends. My name, my life is for those friends. I'm not here to lose everything. I came here to bring back my friends...

"At the bottom of this river of oblivion," says Lethe, "nobody can defeat me." She grins as she raises her metal bracelet. "Farewell, Sailor Moon."

But Mneosyne pushes her away. "Stop, Lethe!"


Mneosyne looks at Lethe pleadingly."Sailor Moon has been hurt enough! Leave the final judgement to Galaxia-sama."

While the argue, Usagi hears a familiar name"Sailor Moon...?" Usagi thinks. The heart-shaped ring on her finger glows. "Sailor Moon... That name..." her crescent moon begins to glow on her forehead. "Right! I am Sailor Moon!! I came here to restore my friends!!!" She transforms back into Eternal Sailor Moon, and swims through the water. She sees Chibi Chibi, Kakyuu, and the Starlights lying unconscious, and grabbing Chibi Chibi, continues to swim up. Lethe watches them in anger."She got her memory back in my river of oblivion!" says Lethe. "Damn you!"

"Lethe!" Mnemosyne says. "Please, stop this!" Mnemosyne creates a sphere of light around Usagi, Chibi-Chibi, Kakyuu, and the Starlights, carrying them out of the river onto dry ground. "Betraying me, Mnemosyne?" Lethe says.

"I only-!" says Mnemosyne. "I just don't want a sailor soldier the same as me to be hurt by you." Kakyuu wakes up,but she's just as confused as Usagi was. Mnemosyne gives her water with her hand, "Have some water from my river of memory."

"Mnemosyne!" says Lethe.

Kakyuu coughs. "Sailor Moon," she says. "This place...!" She and Sailor Moon turn to Lethe and Mneomsyne. "I didn't come here to meet with death," Usagi says. "I came to get back my freinds' sailor crystals! Where are they!?"

"The sailor crystals are not here," says Lethe. "These are the vast outer moats, doubly guarding the Galaxia Palace of the Shadow Galactica Empire. The Desert Rivers. I am the guardian of the river of oblivion, Sailor Lethe of the planet Lethe."

"I am the guardian of the river of memory, Sailor Mnemosyne of the planet Mnemosyne."

"We won't let you leave from here, Sailor Moon," Lethe says. "Not as you lived."

" But Lethe!" Lethe yells at Mnemosyne"If you don't want to see this then close your eyes, Mnemosyne!"

"Have you forgotten?!" pleads Mneomsyne" The oath by which we decided to follow Galaxia, to achieve our own peace and happiness!? Our planets were small. It was always chaos. Galaxia appeared, and death and silence came;we had no choice but to follow her. But if there is a lasting victory to the war, and Galaxia unites the galaxy, we will have our new future!"She hugs Lethe, and Lethe gives in, just a little, murmuring"This time we'll have peace and happiness, Mnemosyne."

"There is no peace with the soldier of destruction[Galaxia]!" Kakyuu says."However many people she finds, she kills! Even in the future, with that woman there will only be destruction!"

"But, Sailor Moon," says Lethe. "Is there a peaceful future with you? A future where there is no war? Sailor Moon, the power you carry cries for war! As long as you live, the wars will not end. From where I stand, you are the evil! Whoever wins, the future will surely be the same. I will end this war now. I just want to have peace and happiness, together with Mnemosyne -That's all."

"If that will truly end the war," Usagi says, "kill me.I also came here to end the war." That's right, she thinks to herself. I came now to end this war. That is the mission of a sailor soldier,our wish.Our wishes are always the same. No matter what future awaits us. "Please, go, Sailor Moon."Says Mnemosyne.

"Even if we don't repair things," says Lethe, "if you die, if you don't die, the war will not end."

Suddenly, two animates appear on sand pillars behind them. "Useless fools," they say. They raise their sun staffs and blasts cut Lethe and Mnemosyne through their bodies. The two take each others' hands as their metal bracelets fall- "Lethe..."-"Mnemosyne..." and they were gone. Unfortunately, the Starlights were still confused by the Lethe river water, and were perfect prey to these animates, who took the Lights starseeds as Kakyuu, protected by Chibi Chibi, could only watch in horror.

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