Dean Cain

Name: Dean George Cain

D-O-B: July 31, 1966

Birth place: Mt. Clemens, MI

Ethnic background: Welsh, French, and Japanese

Family stats: mother(Sharon Thomas), step father(a director, Christopher Cain), older brother (Roger Cain, who is 2 years older than Dean), a younger sister(Krisinda), and 3 dogs(Bosco,Jay,and Mocha)

High school: Santa Monica High School (Class of '84)..... named top athlete and excelled in academics.

University: Princeton University..... majored in history, earned first-team All-American football accolades,  set two NCAA records, and was captain of the volleyball team.  Graduated with a BA in history in 1988.


   Pictures of Dean wearing a leather jacket    Pictures of Dean off work  
   Pictures of Dean & Teri