Purin the dog is a lovable little guy who loves to play. HE is a new character of Sanrio and he is oh so cute!!! Here he is!!!

Round and wiggly, just like a bowl of pudding! You won't be able to keep your eyes off this cute little guy--It's Purin the Dog! "HI, EVERYBODY!"

Hi! My name's Purin.

I'm a golden retriever. I'm kind of big and roly-poly, but I'm still just a puppy! I was born on a very sunny April 16.

Once day, my girl owner put a hat on my head and...

...everyone said, "He looks just like a cup of delicious pudding!" I hope nobody's thinking of checking to see if I'm vanilla flavored or something...

Actually, I kind of like this hat!$B,#(J

I love going out for walks! I hate being left alone in the house...

No, I'm not a bunny! I'm Purin the Dog! Pleased to meet you!

These are my friends, Muffin and Caterpillar!

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