Android18's    YuYuHakusho    in    the    Philippines    Page!

Last update:12/31/97
What's up? YYH has been proceeding nicely. There haven't been any reruns in quite awhile. You can still catch it at 6:30PM every Wednesday on IBC13.

WELCOME! Tuloy po kayo! Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy your stay!

Chibi KuwabaraYYH is known as Ghostfighter In the Philippines. I don't know who produces it locally because they never show the credits. As far as I know, they are also responsible for dubbing some live-action super-hero shows on IBC13. I've included a list of name changes used in the Tagalog dub. For a more comprehensive list & even more YYH info, visit Lyn Arcega's YYH in the Philippines page. The other sections of this YYH page include the YYH Personality Quiz and an article on the 2nd YYH movie.


Personal Notes

Chibi Yuusuke Excellent animation(for a TV series) & lots of action makes YYH a must-see show. The good Tagalog dub suprisingly helps w/ the mood & feel of the show. As others before me have said--it is the characters that give YYH it's soul. The plot, is well, the usual save-the-world-thing, but the way the characters interact really make YYH interesting.

BTW, special thanks go out to Regent for sponsoring YYH & countless other anime shows. I'm sure any true-blooded anime fan in the Phils. knows the jingles of Regent Custard Cake & Regent Caramel Corn by now. :)

FAVES: Kuwabara/Alfred is my favorite. For one thing, not a lot of people seem to like him, so I thought he needed a few fans. He may not be good-looking but he seems like the nice-guy type. He may not be as powerful as the other 3, but he's no pushover either. Kuwabara is a big sweet lug who deserves a chance too.

GAMES:Someone has told me that there is a Playstation game for YYH, but I've never seen it. The only next-gen game of YYH that I know of is on the 3DO which is a dead/dying system. But if you own a Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, then you can enjoy the really cool YYH fighting game. It may only be 16-bit, but it is one of the best fighting games I've ever played...EGM gave it an excellent rating too if you doubt my taste. The game allows up to 4 players to fight all at once which makes for a real rumble. The gameplay is fast and smooth & the graphics are great for a 16-biter.

PET PEEVES: They shouldn't have made Genkai a man! Oh, the humanity!! They did try to correct this eventually since when Genkai got younger she was definitely all woman. But it was just too little and too late. Unlike Kurama(Denise/Dennis), Genkai wasn't given a unisex name(Jeremiah), so it was impossible to make a quick switcheroo.

YYH Personality Quiz - YYH Movie Article

YYH Links

Lyn's YuYu Hakusho in the Phils.
Psycho Shonen's YYH Resource Page
YuYu Hakusho
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Freday's YYH Gallery
Ultimate YYH Homepage
YYH Fanfic Universe

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*Disclaimer: All YYH trademarks belong to Yoshihiro Togashi & Shueisha. This site is for fun only.* I've scanned most of the pics here but those that I haven't are from the sites I've linked to.

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