Mission and Reflections

In addition the Power Point presentation at the above link, I would like to add some further comments. In my first MA program there were numerous discussions and examples of why a constructivist approach was educationally optimal. The problem for me was how to initiate such a program with the new standards based curriculum that we must serve to the students. The constructivist approach is student centered but today's educational emphasis is test or subject centered. This class has given me new hope that a resolution to this dilemma is possible. The idea of using what the textbook called "productivity" type programs with a constructivist approach is the key. I teach a morning computer class .The students were Gate students and were using a word processing program to generate original stories. They were introduced to the use of keyboard shortcuts, invisibles, saving and naming documents. They also learned how to make calenders and use the clip art libraries to add graphics. I was very pleased with their responses and successes. This gave me the idea of using the same word processing program in my regular classroom of third graders. In the past I would use the tutorial programs that would deliver information but that changed . Now we use a word processing program to construct writing that reflect concepts we are studying . They use the computer to correct spelling but more importantly to prove read their documents and determine, sometimes with my help, what grammar errors need correction. They produce a relevant product and I would suggest that is a small step in a constructivist approach for my practice. The most rewarding part of the whole story is when they are done with their assignments, they ask me if they can write another story. How about that for a "Buy in."