Is about a cab driver that finds himself the hostage of an engaging contract killer as he makes his rounds from hit to hit during one night in LA. He must find a way to save both himself and one last victim.
Tom Cruise plays Vincent, the contract killer.
Here are some quotes from the movie, these are Vincents (Tom Cruise) lines only.
"Ok look heres the deal man you were going to drive me around, never be the wiser, but El Gordo got in front of a window did his high, now we're into plan B. Still breathing? Now we gotta make the best of it, improvise adapt to the envroment, dawin, I ching,**** happens what ever man we gotta roll with it."
"Someday? Someday my dream will come true? One night you’ll wake up and discover it never happened. Its all turned around on you. It never will. Suddenly you are old. Didn’t happen and it never will, because you were never going to do it anyway. You’ll push it into memory then zone out in your barco lounger chair being hypnotized by daytime TV, for the rest of your life. Don’t you talk to me about murder. All it ever took was a down payment on a lincon town car. That girl, you can’t even call that girl. What the **** are you still doing driving a cab?"
"Max, I do this for a living!"
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