"D" Company, The Winnipeg Grenadiers
BACK Winnipeg Grenadiers D Company Platoon No. 14 -
Sergeant T.G. Marsh, back row forth from the left.
I trust that the good people of Canada, who welcomed us back so gladly and the Americans who were more than generous to us we returned by their aid, will agree with Kipling that ‘East is East and West is West’ and never will they merge. Differences of colour, language and creed will always divide mankind. Failure of us to recognize them is no guarantee that the other fellow is gong to be equally tolerant. History proves differently. We found the mildest and best-intentioned Japanese loyal to their race and to its rulers. Remember, but for the decision of one man – the Emperor, the Japanese would have committed mass suicide after killing every prisoner. This plan was actually prepared, then abandoned.