Here's a picture of me and Shania. I had the honor of meeting her backstage before her Atlanta, Georgia concert at Philips Arena on April 23, 2004. I know, I know. Unfortunately I don't look beautiful in the pic as Shania does. But having a physical disability (Cerebral Palsy), it's hard for me to make a nice smile "on cue" due to CP affecting my muscle coordination. Plus I was a bit nervous having Shania's arm around me. But what guy wouldn't be right?...LOL. So I also posted a pic where I am more relaxed just so you can see a better pic of me. But hey, good pic or not-so-good pic, how many people can say they've met and had their picture taken with one of the most beautiful, sweetest women in the world??? PLUS! SHANIA KISSED ME ON MY RIGHT CHEEK!!! So I'd take a not-so-hot pic with Shania AND a kiss on the cheek any day!
Scans of some items:

Backstage Pass
Ticket for Front Row
Autographed Postcard
Autographed Webpage

