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Tom's Birthday Party Guests


And lo and behold, they CAME!

The guests were asked:  "What are your two favorite times to party?"
The guests replied: "Day time and night time!"

This is one party-hearty crowd, always looking for an excuse to celebrate!  

To surprise Tom, this crowd actually zipped their mouths and were as quiet as church mice for a record-breaking ONE minute.  And this without the assistance of Sargeants-at-Arms, as needed at Da' Hawai`i Club gabfests meetings!  

After Tom finally (!) made it up the stairs, with pent-up anticipation, the crowd yelled out:  SURPRISE!!!   And yes, Doris was surprised, too.

Click on the photos to get to their enlarged versions.



"Tom, 70 is not so bad... 
when you consider the alternative."


Tom, just say, 'I'm not 70,
 I'm 17 with 53 years experience.'



Tom, according to Mark Twain,
wrinkles should merely indicate 
where smiles have been.



Q: What did the birthday balloon say to the pin?
A: "Hi, Buster."



Q:  How do you know when you're 70?

Tom:  You develop Mallzheimer's disease. I go to the mall and forget where I parked my car.


Q:  How do you know when you're 70?

Tom:  "Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either."



Q:  How do you know when you're 70?

Tom: "You turn off the lights for economic rather than romantic reasons."


Q:  How do you know when you're 70?

Tom: "You constantly talk about the price of gasoline."

Q:  How do you know when you're 70?

Tom:  The clothes I put away until they come back in style... came back in style.

Q:  How do you know when you're 70?

Tom: When happy hour is a nap.

Q:  How do you know when 70?

Tom: People call at 9 p.m. and ask, "Did I wake you?"

E kala mai (Excuse us) if we missed getting a picture of you.  
Maybe you were in the benjo otearai (bathroom) or flitting from table to table? 


The Invitation | Tom Arrives | Tom's Wife, Doris | Tom's Children & Grandchildren
 Tom's GuestsTom Trivia |
Tom's Cake The Significance of the 70th Birthday: Koki  
Many Happy Returns
| Yahoo Photo Album

AU © 2003