Hello! Here, I am going to list down all the people Ren has been paired up with in fanfics, fanarts, etc. Warning! There are some couples in which Ren is paired up with another boy! And also, I'll list them in alphabetical order....

Anna/Ren - Bason/Ren - Chocolove/Ren - Hao/Ren - Horo/Ren - Jeanne/Ren - Jun/Ren - Lyserg/Ren - Manta/Ren - Pilica/Ren - Pyron/Ren - Tamao/Ren - Yoh/Ren -


1) Anna/Ren

Why?: Well, most Anna/Ren fans(Me included) think that Anna and Ren would make a good couple because they sort of have the same attitudes.... Both arrogant, cold, try to hide feelings....... You get the point. Besides, don't these two get along pretty well? W-ell, actually they don't really talk to each other...... But at least she doesn't push Ren around. ^-^ Though I would enjoy that.... heh heh....^-^

Most memorable dialogue: (from around episodes 39 - 44)

Anna: To be worried about.... You're not the kind of person who likes people to care about you. You're completely transparent.

Ren: [Blush, blush] Bakara! (Idiot)

Bason/Ren O_o

Why?: Okay..... you're first reaction is probably "O_o Whaaaaaaaat?!" Well, that was my reaction too when my friend in America told me(she can read Japanese), when she surfed the net for SK stuff and looked at Japanese fanart and fanfics...... She said that Bason/Ren was popular, and people sometimes did a Bason/Ren/LiPailong love triangle.... It's weird, I know..... NOTE: I am not dissing Bason/Ren. Just talking about it. I am not against it, nor do I like it(Actually I am unsure whether I like it, since I have never seen any Bason/Ren fic or fanart).

Most memorable dialogue: (from episode 50)

Bason: Bocchama(young master)..... Could it be that you feel responsible for Chrome's death? Because you are a very kind person.... (Ren turns red)

Horo-Horo: He's turning red.....(Ren raises his spear)

Chocolove: He's getting mad! Ren's getting mad! (Ren cuts Bason in half, and Bason starts screaming and tries to fix himself)


3) Chocolove/Ren

Why?: Aaah, another popular couple in Japanese. I have never EVER seen any Choco/Ren fanart or fanfics in English..... This couple is sometimes a love triangle: Horo/Ren/Choco.

Most memorable dialogue: (from episode 37)

Ren: I don't believe you....

Chocolove: "I don't believe you"...? (Chocolove smirks and jumps up into the air. Everyone gasps..... Suddenly...) Cinderella Ren! (NOTE: "I don't believe you" and "Cinderella Ren" sound the same in Japanese..... Suddenly, Ren is in a Cinderella costume. He tears the dress off and beats Chocolove up. LOL! ^-^)


4) Hao/Ren

Why?: This couple started ever since Hao said "I like you, Tao Ren....". ^-^ Sometimes this couple is used in the love traingle HaoxRenxYoh or the love square HaoxRenxYohxHoro, or the OTHER love square HaoxRenxYohxAnna.... LOL! It's pretty complicated. ^-^'

Most Memorable Dialogue: (around episode 40 - 44)

Hao: (suddenly appears) I like you, Tao Ren.... (Ren looks surprised) You're different from the others.... Join me. (Ren's eyes widen) I wrote the Chou Senjirakkyetsu. I can teach you things aside from those in the book.... I can offer you powers beyong Yoh's. At this rate, you will never defeat him.

Ren: I will defeat Yoh...... And I will defeat you as well!

Hao: (a couple of interventions later...) Ren..... I'll eventually make you mine....(Hao disappears)


5) Horo/Ren

Why?: Do you even need to ASK? This is the most popular Ren/Someone pairing, and most popular SK yaoi pairing too! Although YohxRen is catching up.... Anyway, in the manga these two have an odd relationship. They always fight, but when something happens, they're always there for each other. In the Anime, Ren saved Horo's life, and Horo was all dramatic when Ren got "killed". In the manga, when Ren got run through, Horo covered Ren's wound with ice, and tried to save Ren's butt, but he was still too weak, but Yoh came just in time, and this really pissed Horo off. ^-^'

Most Memorable Dialogue(from around episode 19 to 24):

Ren: Why do I have to go in with you guys? (Ren looks at Horo, Manta and Yoh taking off they're clothes..... After Yoh and Manta's lines....)

Horo-Horo: What? Are you by any chance..... Embarassed?

Ren: ...... (Ren looks away. Horo suddenly has this sleazy expression on his face. He smiles and looks at Yoh and Manta, who smile back. All of them advance at Ren)

Ren: NANDA, KISAMARA?! (What the hell, you bastards?!) [Yoh, horo and manta laugh evilly. Later, a yell from Ren is heard and a pair of boxers is shown flying out the window....]


6) Jeanne/Ren

Why?: Wait, wait! Don't throw things at me yet! Let me explain! >_< YES, there ARE fanfics(haven't seen fanart yet, though....) about this couple..... probably because it was Jeanne-sama who brought Ren back to life in the manga.... ^-^ Nya!

Most Memorable Dialogue (MANGA, around volumes 17-21):

Jeanne: He will be woken up the same way the princess in Sleeping Beauty was awakened!

Ren(his spirit): WHAT?! (blush, blush)


7) Jun/Ren

Why?: INCEST! ^-^ What'd you think?! If there's Yoh/Hao and Pili/Horo, then there's gotta be Jun/Ren! Though it's pretty uncommon... O.o But I know they have a very close sister/brother relationship. And the way Jun treats Ren is just mondo kawaii..... ^-^

Most Memorable Dialogue (When Jun came):

Jun: I will get that Asakura boy who hurt you.


8) Lyserg/Ren

Why?: This couple is pretty uncommon, but YES, I HAVE seen LysergxRen fanart and fanfics. I guess this couple was "invented" because..... Hey, who WOULDN'T want to pair up the two "angst-iest" characters in the series? I think this couple is cute(well actually, I think ALL Ren/someone couples are cute!) ^-^

Most Memorable Dialogue:(from around episodes 25 - 34)

Lyserg:(someone knocks on their bedroom door. Lyserg sighs). There's probably no one there again.... (Ren sighs and turns the door knob) Didn't you here me? I said nobody's there!

Ren: You don't have to tell me. I already know.

Lyserg: Then why?

Ren: (sighs) There's nothing else to do.... (he opens the door. Nothing's there). Ike(Go), Bason.

Bason: (sweatdrops) Bocchama.....

Ren: Ike! (Bason goes, and gets hit by another pan... thingie o_O)


9) Manta/Ren

Why?: LOL! I don't know much about this couple... I guess.... They get along pretty well, ne? O_o And uh.... Don't pay attention to the subtitles in the picture.... >_< Weird, ne?

Most Memorable Dialogue: NONE (I haven't thought up of any! >_<)


10) Pilica/Ren

Why?: Aah, fairly popular couple (nod,nod). ^-^ I love this couple.... It's sweet.... Umm.... This couple was probably "invented" because Pilica was the only girl left for Ren.... Anna's with Yoh and Tamao doesn't seem like Ren's type(that's why she's with Horo sometimes) so congratulations, Pilica! ^-^

Most Memorable Dialogue: NONE (They've never talked to each other either! T_T)


11) Pyron(Li Pailong, Bruce Lee???)/Ren

Why?: As you may know, this couple is part of the love triangle Pailong/Ren/Bason. O_o No fics or art in English....

Most Memorable Dialogue: NONE (They've never spoken to each other.... EVER! >_<)


12) Tamao/Ren

Why?: Well.... I dunno how this couple caome to be.... O_o I haven't seen fanfics nor fanart of it in English, but there are some in Spanish and other European languages..... ^-^ Tamao was second choice after Pilica, I guess....^-^

Most Memorable Dialogue: NONE (they've never talked to each other.... -.- Wah! T_T)


13) Yoh/Ren

Why?: And THUS, we have arrived to the couple which is catching up to HoroxRen! ^-^ Ooh, but look at the way Ren's looking at Anna....(gets whacked by YohxRen fans) Okay, okay! >.< It's one of those best-friends-turn-to-lovers couple.... ^-^ Peaches and oranges, ne? Yoh saved Ren, Ren becomes his friend.... They have an odd friendship. ^-^

Most Memorable Dialogue: (around episode 19-23????)

Ren: Asakura Yoh..... It's painful to say, but..... You are the winner

Yoh: Wait a minute, Ren.... (Yoh turns around) I ran out of furoyku as well.....

Ren: (blinks) HUH????!!!!!

Yoh: What am I going to do?! If I lose, Anna will beat the crap outta me!

Ren: What the hell is that?! What do you mean, "I ran out of furyoku as well"?! How are we supposed to know who the winner is?!

Yoh: This is all your fault! Who's going to be punished by Anna if I lose?!

Ren: That's none of my business!

Yoh: Oh yeah, if Anna punishes me, you have to come too!

Ren: What?! Why do I have to come as well?!

Yoh: Because you had you were facing the other way and showing off!

Ren: You did the same thing too, bastard! (stabs Yoh with his hair)

Both: (smack their faces together again)GRRRRRR!!!!!