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CT Community Colleges

AMERICAN HISTORY I -- Winter Session
On-Line Syllabus & Course Web Site

Section 1 (CRN 4006), Anthony A. Ball, Instructor


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Tony Ball


Required Text:
Robert A. Divine, et al., America Past and Present, Vol. 1, 5th edition (Addison Wesley Educational Publishers, 1999).

Anthony A. Ball, (203) 332-5170, Office A-211.  Send e-mail to TonyBall96@aol.com or click the envelope icon to the left.

Class Meetings:
Mondays through Fridays, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Room A-228.

Office Hours:
Mondays and Thursdays, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m., or by appointment.

Catalogue Course Description:
Covers the political, economic, and social development of the United States through 1865. From the earliest settlement and exploration through the Civil War, this course examines topics such as the colonial contribution to American democracy, the struggle for independence, formation of a national government, the Age of Jackson, westward expansion and the controversy over slavery.

Parallel/Prerequisite (Not applicable for Winter Session):
English 101

Course Requirements:
35% Three tests (12/29, 1/5 and 1/12).  Each test will consist of multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short essay questions.  Click the Textbook Resources Icon to go to practice questions. Because of the limited time frame we have for Winter Session courses, there will be no opportunity, absent significant and documented emergency, for makeup examinations.

35% A 5-7 page paper, to be assigned on 12/26 and due on 1/12.  Each paper will utilize primary sources to examine a problem or issue in American history.   Click the Assignments Icon for more information.

30% Class Attendance and Participation.  This grade is based on three factors: (1) actual attendance; (2) demonstrated preparedness; (3) meaningful contributions to class discussions.

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Textbook Resources

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History Links

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Lecture Notes

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Sample Papers

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Model Essays

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Search the Web

Schedule of Classes and Readings

Date(s) Topic Assigned Reading (to be done prior to class)
12/26 Introductions, Overview of Course; Native American Cultures prior to European Arrival; Africa before the North Atlantic Slave Trade; Europe on the Eve of Conquest; French, Spanish and English Approaches to the New World Chapter 1 (If you haven't read it ahead of time, make sure you read it before the 12/29 test.)
12/27 English Colonization: Comparison of Chesapeake Experience with Massachusetts Bay and the Middle Colonies Chapter 2
12/28 Family, Social Structure and Slavery in Colonial North America; Economics, Politics and Social Unrest to 1700 Chapter 3
12/29 Eighteenth Century America: Social and Cultural; Clash of Political Cultures; Century of Imperial War; Test #1, Covering Chapters 1-4, Classes 12/26 - 12/29 Chapter 4
1/1 No Class, New Year's Day
1/2 The Movement Toward Independence (1763-1783) Chapter 5
1/3 Problems of the Early Republic; The Constitutional Convention and the Struggle for Ratification (1776-1789) Chapter 6
1/4 Democracy in Distress: The Washington and Adams Presidencies (1789-1801) Chapter 7
1/5 Jeffersonian Ascendancy: Expansion and Reform; The Failure of Foreign Policy and the "Strange War of 1812" Test #2, Covering Chapters 5-8, Classes 1/2 - 1/5 Chapter 8
1/8 Nationalism and Nation Building; Emergence of a Market Economy; the Missouri Compromise and the Brewing Controversy over Slavery Chapters 9, 13
1/9 Andrew Jackson and the "Triumph of White Men's Democracy" Chapter 10
1/10 The Second Great Awakening; Temperance, Abolitionism, Women's Suffrage and other Antebellum Reform Movements Chapter 11
1/11 Westward Expansion: The Texan Revolution, Oregon Trail and Mormon Trek; Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War; Invention and Immigration Chapter 12
1/12 The Sectional Crisis over Slavery (1846-1860); PAPERS DUE; Test #3, Covering Chapters 9-14, Classes 1/8 - 1/12 Chapter 14