American History I Syllabus

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American History I -- Winter Session
Lecture Notes Index
Last Updated: 12/28/00

Click on the date of the class or topic to go to the notes.  Some notes may not exactly correspond with the class or the syllabus, but if you print them all you will have a reasonably complete record.  I generally try to post notes on the weekend, so please be patient if they are not on-line right away.  Remember, the notes are not substitutes for reading the textbook or for attending class.  You remain responsible for all material covered in the text whether or not it is discussed in class or appears on my notes pages.

Tony Ball


Schedule of Classes

Date(s) Topic
12/26 Introductions, Overview of Course; Native American Cultures prior to European Arrival; Africa before the North Atlantic Slave Trade; Europe on the Eve of Conquest; French, Spanish and English Approaches to the New World
12/27 English Colonization: Comparison of Chesapeake Experience with Massachusetts Bay and the Middle Colonies
12/28 Family, Social Structure and Slavery in Colonial North America; Economics, Politics and Social Unrest to 1700
12/29 Eighteenth Century America: Social and Cultural; Clash of Political Cultures; Century of Imperial War; Test #1, Covering Chapters 1-4, Classes 12/26 - 12/29

Sorry, I have not been able to upload new notes and study guide.  Please review the notes for U.S. History I from the Fall Semester.  There you will also see a list of potential essay questions.  I will definitely ask a "primary source" question (#9) and will not ask question #8.  You will have a choice of 4 out of 5 questions.  Remember the essay portion of the exam is open book/open note, etc.  Answers should be as specific and detailed as possible.  For the short answers (multiple choice, true false, fill-in-the-blank) review the quizzes at the textbook website.  I will be rewording questions, so don't just memorize answers!!!

1/1 No Class, New Year's Day
1/2 The Movement Toward Independence (1763-1783)
1/3 Problems of the Early Republic; The Constitutional Convention and the Struggle for Ratification (1776-1789)
1/4 Democracy in Distress: The Washington and Adams Presidencies (1789-1801)
1/5 Jeffersonian Ascendancy: Expansion and Reform; The Failure of Foreign Policy and the "Strange War of 1812" Test #2, Covering Chapters 5-8, Classes 1/2 - 1/5
1/8 Nationalism and Nation Building; Emergence of a Market Economy; the Missouri Compromise and the Brewing Controversy over Slavery
1/9 Andrew Jackson and the "Triumph of White Men's Democracy"
1/10 The Second Great Awakening; Temperance, Abolitionism, Women's Suffrage and other Antebellum Reform Movements
1/11 Westward Expansion: The Texan Revolution, Oregon Trail and Mormon Trek; Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War; Invention and Immigration
1/12 The Sectional Crisis over Slavery (1846-1860); PAPERS DUE; Test #3, Covering Chapters 9-14, Classes 1/8 - 1/12