Indiana Glass Six Inch Optic Swirl Vase

Indiana Glass Six Inch Optic Swirl Vase These pictures don't do justice to the way the light plays off this optic swirl design of this vase in vivid Ruby Red and Cobalt Blue. Indiana's swirl optic style is similar to Blenko or Imperial Glass twisted optic patterns, and fits beautifully with all Art Deco styles.

A great piece for the display of some spring or summer flowers, and a great addition to any home or office environment.

The bottom of the vase is originally marked with a label which reads:
ITEM #6185
6-1/4" Cobalt (or Red) Vase
(Bar Code)
Indiana Glass Co.
A Lancaster Colony Co.
Cincinnati, OH 45242

This indicates it was made after 2002, when Indiana Glass was purchased by Bartlett and Collins, a Lancaster Colony Co.

The vase is in mint condition with no chips, cracks, crazing or repairs, and no wear.

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Indiana Glass Optic Swirl Vase Indiana Glass Optic Swirl Vase Indiana Glass Optic Swirl Vase

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