My Babies...

I have 3 precious Angels and I'd like to blame the weight on them...but truth be told I CAN'T...I don't know how I managed my weight when I was pregnant but seeing this will let you understand how I can't blame my weight gain on my kid's. Hold your mouse over the photo's to see the captions.

About one week before Dylan was born

When I was pregnant with Dylan in '95 I lost 45 lb's while I was pregnant, then after I had him I lost another 30. I literally walked out of the hospital (after 7 days) weighing less than I had in years. I walked out wearing a body suit and a sun dress I was so happy! I now sleep in the sun dress because it's much too small to wear in public. I gained all the weight I'd lost from having him back within a month or two, I'm sure. 

Cristy and Dylan in 2003 at the State Fair

When I was pregnant with Donavan in '97 I gained the normal 30 lb's or so, and from the time he was 1 week I walked EVERY NIGHT non-stop, I remember walking and someone stopping me because they noticed I had the baby, and when they realized how soon I had the baby they told me I shouldn't be walking it was too soon etc. I Kept on walking and lost the 30 lb's I gained during the pregnancy, plus another 20. When Donavan was 1 month old we got order's to move (actually we got them sooner, but we moved when he was barely 1 month), long story short I exercised on the treadmill at the apartment gym every day, after David started to go back to work I just didn't have the time...correction I didn't make the time (at night or early morning) without the kid's. I gained it all plus some back.

Cris and the boys at the Parade prior to going to the State Fair 2003

When I got pregnant with Cierra in '99 I gained a WHOPPING 5 (yep five) lbs the entire pregnancy, lost 30 or so after I had her and then put it all back plus some more....

Cris and Cierra June 2004 dressed up for a nice banquet dinner

My children have been one of my greatest joy's in life, and I'm sure they will continue to be for MANY  MANY years to come. I just wish I could blame being fat on them :0)

Dylan ~ "my big boy", 

Donnie ~ "My sweet one",

Cierra ~ "My Lil' Princess"

I love you... 

Kid's going to their first day of school in september 2004





















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