This page I thought I'd appropriately call my "grey" area. Filled with information that isn't black or white, just kinda in between depending on how you look at it.

TooCute2BeFat ~ How did I come up with that name and what does it mean for ME?

Well...long story short I was visiting a good website and they have a bulletin board, one of the member's had the nick name "toofattobecute" (or something of that nature) and I thought to myself...Man, she is hard on herself (keep in mind that I don't KNOW her, just saw the user name, I don't know anything else about her, these were just thought's in my head).

Even though I'm considered "Obese" I still think I'm sexy as hell! I feel sexy, I can still pick up guys when I go out, (if I wanted to) I don't hide in a shell, my personality just ROCKS if I do say so myself :0) I thought to myself, "I'm glad that I have security in my life, love and happiness, even though I'm fat".

Not that the other woman DIDN'T, but the user name, I dunno, it just made me sad. I often hoped that she was happy with her life and herself, no matter what her APPEARANCE looks like. And then I needed to think of a user name for a bulletin board, I got tired of my regular nick names, not that I don't like those...they are a part of me, BUT...I'm doing this FOR me, I need an independent name, something to keep me motivated, yet show my personality a bit.

And then "TooCute2BeFat" popped into my head, I thought oh that would be cute (no pun intended!) I'm too cute, to be fat!  I'm losing this weight (among a million other reason's) so that my outside reflects my inside personality. I'm cute damn it, and the world is gonna know it.

 It wasn't for a few hours (or maybe even a day or so) that I logged into the site, and I saw that user name again and I thought, AH-HA! That's why it popped into my head. And ever since then I've been known as "TooCute2BeFat"  for my weight loss.

I thought I'd tell the story of how I chose my nickname online because often I have people ask why I call myself fat? Why, because I am, I'm not afraid to admit it. And being fat isn't bad, I'm just choosing not to be a statistic and BE fat.

Sure it's gonna take some time, and I think *honestly* that once I reach goal, I will be choosing a different name, but not because I wouldn't feel that way anymore, because I wouldn't want to unknowingly offend someone who is on the plus size, by using the name. If I saw a Skinny woman using the nickname "TooCute2BeFat" I'd think "Man what a self-absorbent snot" . Is that a double standard? Possibly, do I care...NOPE! :0) It's my opinion.





















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