Ok, I wanted to take a page to send out a few thank you's. Some of this you may have already read about on other pages, HOWEVER, I wanted a page just for THANK YOU'S!!! This got kinda long so bare with me!

Melissa ~ I met Melissa after we moved to Alaska, in the daycare class and it's been one of the best thing's about Alaska so far!! Melissa has been there EVERY time I needed a friend OR a family member. I feel like I've known her and her family for YEARS and it's really only been a few month's. She has not only became my friend but a work out buddy as well. She keeps me motivated that we CAN do this and that we are doing it TOGETHER. And it's a lot more fun than it was when I was doing it by myself :0) Thanks Melissa (& family!) for always being here for us! *Note, this was written back in 2002, but it says how I still feel about her, so I'm leaving it. I will try to upload a photo or two of us soon*

Trina ~ I met Trina, ohhhh probably about 5 years ago online. She is a fellow military wife and we met on an email list at yahoogroups. She moved to Alaska in May *I believe* of 2004. Turned out that she'd move just a few blocks away from me. Although I don't get to see her enough, the times I do see her I enjoy being around her. Over the years we've been through a lot, both seperatly and together, and I've enjoyed almost every minute of it! Thanks for being there and listening to me through out the years and reminding me during rough times, that it will get better!


David ~ My Darling husband. Thank you so much for helping me become the woman I am. Thank you for listening to me bitch about my weight as I'm shoving a quarter pounder down my mouth. Thank you for helping me to realize just how damned sexy I can be, even if I am overweight. Thank you for your love, understanding and support as I'm trying to loose weight. Thank you for trying new recipes that were to say the least UN-TASTY!! And thank you for saying you love me just the way I am, and that you don't want me to loose weight because you love my body now. Face it buddy, your the love of my life, and your stuck with me *G* I'm not going ANYWHERE! (I'll work on getting a more recent photo)





















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