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Toxic Tidbits - The ABC's of Household Toxins!

"...at the nexus of nature and nurture lies environmental health, the science that seeks to find clues to how the genome responds to environmental adversity."
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Once you have become educated in the dangers of household toxins, it is your responsibility to tell your family, your friends, your co-workers, and your neighbors about the dangers they face everyday in their own homes.
You're doing them a favor!

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How Much Do You Know About Household Toxins?

  • Do you have a lot of facts about household toxins and the dangers they pose to our health but not enough reliable sources?

  • Do you worry that someone will challenge your facts in the middle of a presentation, and you won't have the necesssary information to respond?

  • Are you building your business online and need to know where the reliable online information is to refer your prospects to?

  • Do you have lots of links and quotes from sites all over the net, but they are scattered and of little use to you when you need them?

  • Are you tired of spending so much of your time researching toxins instead of really building your business?

    If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then I may have a solution for you!

    Toxic Tidbits: The ABC's of Household Toxins is a quick reference guide that I have put together after more than a hundred hours of online research. Print it out and take it with you to your in-home presentations, or keep it handy during presentations on the telephone. Let your prospects do some research on their own - simply refer them to some of the most reliable sources of information on the net, or use it to educate yourself and your loved ones - Knowledge is Power!

    Need to know more? Visit the FAQ page or check out the topics covered in this ebook.

    Toxic Tidbits: The ABC's of Household Toxins is available to purchase through my yahoo paydirect account for only $7.95. Order now and receive FREE UPDATES for the next year! Web content is always changing, let me keep you current!

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    Email Me with the word "order" in the subject line.

    Tell your team about this sight - the more people with a basic understanding of the hazards we face everyday in our own homes, the better off we will all be!

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